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Sunday, January 04, 2004

I've been an NFL fan for years, and loved the Oilers, but until the Texans came in the league, I didn't have much reason to be hanging around team bulletin boards and paying attention to anything that the average fan said. And in those two years, I've noticed that fans will complain about the same things that every other fan of every other team complains about, and no one seems to notice that everyone has the same complaint. Everyone thinks that the wide recievers on their team drop too many balls. Everyone thinks that the playcalling stinks when their team loses.

Even worse are the people who complain about other teams and their fans, claiming that the other coach doesn't care about his players, that the other team is the one who is full of thugs, that the other team's fans are really obnoxious. This is especially laughable when someone will go off on a team that's a rival of their team or one that beat their team in a huge game. Talk about your lack of credibility. It constantly amazes me that people don't realize how ridiculous they sound.

And right now, I'm realizing how ridiculous I sound. So this is it.

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