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Thursday, October 16, 2003

Cubs lose! Cubs lose! Cubs lose! And make no mistake: their loss was not because they're like those other teams that haven't won a World Series, who are just plain losers. No, the Cubs are cursed. There's no other possible explanation!

Let's just take a second to look at some other curses throughout baseball and sports:

The Mile High Curse: In the twelve years since the Colorado Rockies and the Florida Marlins joined MLB as expansion teams, the Marlins have been to the World Series twice, winning once (one pending). The Rockies? Not a single World Series appearance. CURSED!

On September 11, 2001, New York City was attacked by terrorists. And the combined number of world series titles for the Yankees and the Mets since then? NONE! Welcome to the Twin Towers curse. If the Yankees get to and win this world series, their poor heartbroken fans can breathe a sigh of relief that the curse is finally lifted.

Curse of the Split: When Ted Turner and Jane Fonda were all happy and cuddly and living their fairy-tale romance, the Braves won a World Series. But since they split? Not even a World Series *appearance* for the Braves!! The curse lives on...

The Cleveland/Seattle curse: Number of championships for the Mariners, Indians, Seahawks, Browns, Sonics and Cavaliers since 1980: ZERO. Six teams, three different sports, no championships. There's no way that this could happen unless the entire cities were cursed by some strange hand of the sports God who for some reason has decided that there's no way any of these teams could win a championship.

The Quake Qurse: In 1989, the San Francisco Giants/Oakland A's World Series was interrupted by a massive earthquake that rocked the area. The A's won the series, but since then, neither team has won a World Series. I wonder why that is. Hmm. Maybe it's because they're both...CURSED!

And let's not forget the greatest curses of them all, the only *real* curses there are: the curse of the Chicago Cubs Fans and the curse of the Overdramatic Sports Writers, who insist that everyone in the world feel sorry for a team that has just *lost*. There are lots of other teams that haven't won a championship or even a post-season series in their histories, and yet there's no one calling for sympathy for them.

If you're a fan, and your team loses, it's heartbreaking. And believe it or not, it even happens for those of us whose teams are not from the Northeast/Midwest.

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