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Wednesday, November 03, 2004

This fire is out of control...

In all of the unfortunate news today, one unfortunate paragraph in an unfortunate article about all the bans on gay marriage really stuck out:

In a result that could spark anti-immigration proposals in other states, Arizona voters appeared to be backing a measure that would require public officials to turn in illegal immigrants who seek public services, including police or fire calls. Supporters of the proposal said they want to see the idea carried to other states.
FIRE CALLS?!! Wanting tighter immigration is one thing. But how it escapes people that this could potentially be very, very bad is completely beyond me. Those illegal immigrants will run out and leave fires and fights to rage rather than calling the police or the fire department because they're afraid of being sent back home. Is it really worth burning down entire neighborhoods in the hopes of possibly catch a few more illegal immigrants?

Come to think of it, people letting a fire destroy their homes rather than risk calling for help is a pretty great analogy of the election results.

1 comment:

doug said...

Come to think of it, people letting a fire destroy their homes rather than risk calling for help is a pretty great analogy of the election results.Best comment I've seen all day on this travesty.