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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The new math

I've always been hard on myself about my lack of math skills, but I'm actually pretty fascinated with math studies and theories. Following are some of my knowledge of some of the deepest math theories.

One of the of the most important and complex mathematical equations that I know is this: Nothing From Nothing Leaves Nothing. This is very, very true, and is complex enough for any mathematician to spend years on, though the widely accepted sum is You Gotta Have Something If You Wanna Be With Me.

Much more controversial in the math world is that One Is The Loneliest Number. This was widely accepted as truth for decades, before it was discovered that Two Hearts Beat As One, or at least have the ability to, given the right amount of passion and melody. Whether this new math contradicts the old one or just redefines it is still being debated, but many younger mathematicians see the former equation as old, gray and outdated.

One can also see the changes in math when looking at the old equation Two's Company, Three's A Crowd. While this still generally applies, societal changes in the late '70's and early '80's revealed that, in actuality, Three's Company.

These are things that go through my mind when I first wake up. Really!


PeeKay said...

Hi Reid,
"six of one - half-dozen of another" was always one that threw me until I overheard, "with six you get eggrolls". ?

that corollary needs some proving!


Reid said...

I think that was the equation that Matt Damon "solved" in Good Will Hunting.