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Thursday, January 06, 2005

My dreams will match up with my pay

Just because Christmas is over (ended yesterday, you know) doesn't mean you can't still recieve like the greedy little bastard you are.

So, prepare your ears to recieve some songs that have been knocking my socks off lately (note: speaking literally, socks stayed on). Also, even though the year is still pretty new and still really cute and novel and hasn't gotten into the kicking and biting stage yet, it seemed somewhat inappropriate to have all those new years songs on there.

First up is the song that's been on repeat for the last few days, Fiona Apple's "Extraordinary Machine". The story behind this song seems a little sketchy to me: apparently, this album has been done for almost two years, but Sony felt that it wasn't commercial enough and refused to release it. I don't buy that for a second. Either Sony is trying to pull a Wilco, hoping it will increase sales (which seems a little extreme), Fiona Apple hasn't actually finished the album, or there's some sort of contractual arguments going on.

Doesn't matter though, thanks to the internet. File sharing, smart friends and mailing lists means I get to hear the title track of the album, and amazing bit that's both old-timey and modern, both pop and adventure. The slight key changes all over the song are mind-dropping and jaw-blowing (wait...switch dropping and blowing), but under it all, it still has a perfect pop structure. Oh, and a hook the size of (insert name of extremely large fish hook which I would know if I fished) at the last line of the chorus, "I'll make the most of it, I'm an...extraordinary machine." I can't stop listening.

Keeping it company in that tiny little box is "Mushaboom" by Feist, a great song with handclaps and hooks galore, and "The Way I Feel Inside" by the Zombies, which I first heard a couple weeks ago in The Life Aquatic and then ran out to get their singles comp. Brilliant. In a tradition that I just made up right now, I'll leave one worthy song from the last round of jukebox entries, in this case, "Happy New Year" by Camera Obscura.

Also in heavy rotation is the Best of Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds and "I'm Always In Love" and "Nothing'severgonnastandinmywayagain" by Wilco.


d-lee said...

yeah, that zombies song is dope. I'll admit that the first time I heard their original version was in "The Life Aquatic", but I've loved that song for years. Lois Maffeo did a cover of it on her "Strumpet" album.

By the way, how cool was the soundtrack for "life aquatic"? I loved it. I'm not really that much of a Bowie fan, but I really enjoyed that. I had to stick around till the end of the credits to find out that it was Portuguese. Then it made perfect sense that they called that character "pele".
good stuff

Reid said...

Yeah, I loved the Bowie stuff (especially "Queen Bitch", which was always one of my favorites), and it was always fun trying to recognize the song when Seu Jorge sang it. I don't think I've ever heard a better version of "Rebel Rebel", a song that I was never really that crazy about.

By the way, it was interesting when I watched City of God the other night, I kept thinking that the guy playing Knockout Ned looked really familiar, until I saw the credits and realize why: Seu Jorge.

Hans said...

I don't know if you've done this already, but in the past few days I've gone back and given 'A Ghost Is Born' a second chance (some guy on NPR told me to), and I highly recommend it.