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Saturday, January 22, 2005

Stories not really worth telling but I don't want to not post it after I typed so much #1

What would you call a restaurant where you stand in line and pay a cashier for take-out food that's of good quality but not necessarily good for you? Like Chipotle or Cosi? It doesn't seem right to call it "fast food", but it doesn't seem innaccurate, either.

Whatever these places are, this new series that will likely not go beyond the first episode will examine why these cashiers and line workers in restaurants in the 20th and M area seem to distrust and dislike me so much.

Example #1: Chipotle, a few weeks ago. I get my food, am standing at the register, the woman behind the counter says "Anything else?" and I say, "Just water to drink". She then adds the price of a regular drink to my tab and pulls out a soda cup. "Oh, no", I say, "I just wanted water." Her mouth drops and she gives me an incredulous and angry look, which is international sign language for, "Now I'm going to have to get my manager to void it out." I figured that was coming.

What I didn't see coming is that, after she calls her manager over, she looks at me angrily and says, "You said 'soda'." I couldn't believe it...a simple misunderstanding, but why the hell would I have done that? Her theory was probably that I was put on earth deliberately to make her miserable, but—and this may surprise you—I was not.

"No," I said. "I said I wanted water to drink."

"No," she said in a way that reminded me of a 14-year-old telling her mom that she hates her, "You said soda."

This went on for a while, and I was getting flustered. It's bad enough to have someone call you a liar, but over something so ridiculous and petty? I wondered if maybe she thought I was trying to run some scam on her, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was. The old get-water-for-free trick? God only knows.

Just so I don't leave you hanging, the manager came over and got the drink voided off the register, but only after she had angrily asked me, "What happened?", like a cop on the scene of an accident.

Example #2: Working today, I ran downstairs to get a sandwich from Cosi, something I hate to do because, in spite of their tastiness, they're the most overpriced sandwiches anywhere in the world. I waited a while behind the only other two people in line while the guy seemed to give them a tour of every ingredient that might be put into a sandwich. Another guy finally showed up to make my sandwich.

As he was putting the final foil touches on, he gave me a hostile and suspicous look. I can't really said he said anything that's going to make this story any good or really worth telling because he mumbled so much that all I caught was that he was asking me something about only being there on Saturday. I couldn't figure out what he was saying, so I asked him to repeat it, and he mumbled the same thing. "I'm not sure," I said, and he gave me another suspicious look and then mumbled something again that sounded near outrage and ended with, "since early December."

I have no idea what I did to this guy, but I wasn't going to push it anymore to find out. Maybe he's the boyfriend of the Chipotle cashier. Point is: there's something about me that's bugging these people, and I'm beginning to get a little nervous about getting meals anywhere around here anymore, which is kind of inconvenient, considering I live and work around here.

Consider me spooked.


PeeKay said...

reid! for safety's sake, please stay out of post offices. those employees have been known to SHOOT.

try agua next time.

california tortilla actually has a sign on the soda machine that makes fun of people who steal soda with a water cup. I guess people really do that!

d-lee said...

Reid, it isn't you.
Odds are, these people who were working in the sandwich shops are just bitter, angry youth. Sometimes people who work for low wages get grouchy for no reason. Maybe I'm wrong about how much these people get paid, but it would be very much against the industry standard if these shops were paying these sandwich makers a lot of money. Managers, yes. Sandwich builders, no. They're just grouchy that they have to work weekends or nights, or that they couldn't get anyone to cover their shift on Thursday night, or that Jeremy couldn't come through with the weed, or their roommate didn't pay the gas bill and they got their heat shut off. You have to trust me. I have people working for me who are exactly like this. I'm lucky with the new restuarant, but I used to hold weekly staff meetings where the main emphasis was for them to not be so damn grouchy, and to hit the road if they were gonna be like that.

By the way, I think the term "eatery" works for places like that. It doesn't quite imply full service dining, but doesn't imply fast food either.

Reid said...

Eatery! Perfect!

The funny thing is, neither of them were young. I would guess that were both at least my age. And I completely understand feeling cranky about those things, and I don't blame the Chipotle woman for getting annoyed about having to do a void, but the calling me a liar really bugged me.

The Cosi guy...I just didn't get it. It was really weird to have this guy acting mad at me, seeming to refer to something that happened in the past that I can't even guess, something about being there on Saturday's...that's just weird.

Reid said...

Or maybe they went to A&M. Which would explain whey they're working a cash register (ba-dum-boom!).