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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

In the grand tradition of the tossed salad

In place of a decent post which would require thought and originality—two things I have none of this morning—I'm putting in this short list compiled this past weekend by some friends (unnamed to protect the guilty and perverted) and me of new terms for disgusting sexual practices. Please note that almost none of these have any actual acts to go along with them. It's just the fun of making them up.

Backside Rodeo
Full Frontal Crash Test
Black Mormon
Runny Cupcake
Roman Gladiator Helmet
So tonight, when you go home to that special someone, ask him or her in your sleaziest voice if they're in the mood for a Runny Cupcake and see what the reaction is.

(If you're offended by this list, I can only say that I should damn well hope so)


d-lee said...

the guys at work helped me come up with some really gross (and actually violent) activities. I won't name them in this family friendly forum, but we came up with an act for "full frontal crash test" and for "roman gladiator helmet"

Reid said...

I hope that when you say that you came up with them, it wasn't through actual trial and error...

Everytime the subject comes up about those names for disgusting sexual acts, the vast majority of them are incredibly disturbing. It's just that I'm blessed with friends who, once subject like that get on their minds, they can't let it drop. They're great like that.