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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Knock loud, I'm home (sick)

Remember the school days when you'd hope to get sick so you could stay home and do nothing but watch TV? Those days seem so long ago. Now, getting sick on a work day is a double curse: not only do you hate your body for treating you so badly, but it's hard to get the image out of the back of your mind of all the work piling up, waiting for you to get back when you're barely better. It's one of the few times when it's rotten to be a grownup.

The only thing cheering me up this Wednesday afternoon when I'm already in bed is my recent discovery of a Neko Case EP that I never knew existed. Canadian Amp is a set of songs that she put out before Blacklisted, it's all home recordings, it's mostly covers, and it's gorgeous. In the jukebox for your enjoyment is her cover of some song I didn't know called "Knock Loud". I just hope you get to hear it in a better physical state than I'm in right now.


PeeKay said...

that's a drag being sick Reid! Hope you recover fast. my fav sick food is campbell's chicken w/stars. just heat for 3 minutes in the microwave and fill bowl with saltines. Voila! a meal for the road to recovery.

doug said...

Dang, I'm gonna have to get that Neko Case EP - because one of my new goals is to own everything she's ever done..I think. Good stuff...thanks! Hope you're feeling better.

Reid said...

Yeah, the Neko Case EP is out of print. I've managed to find all but one song (Make Your Bed) online. Once I get the whole thing, I'll post it for you.