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Monday, April 04, 2005

Torn from today's headlines

Is this the light of a new day dawning? A future bright that you can walk in? No. It's just another Monday morning. Do it all over again.

I'm actually not feeling as down as those beautifully bleak Jarvis words. They just go through my head every Monday. It was actually a nice weekend, but there was an important issue raised on Saturday, a complex and controversial topic that my friend Dave has already tackled in depth. At the risk of just repeating the points that he's raised, and not wanting to get into a point-counterpoint debate in the comments that threatens to boil over into angry words, I feel as though I need to air my opinion on this matter that has gripped the nation, threatening to bring it to its knees, regardless of what dervish of argument I unleash. So here goes:



I wish I could be down in Chapel Hill today. I was on Franklin Street on the chapionship Monday in '93, at that Mudhoney show with some friends who needed a ride to interview Mark Arm, watching the game on a tiny black & white rabbit-eared TV in the pool room of the Cat's Cradle, trying to figure out what happened when Chris Webber called the timeout because the Supersuckers were drowning out the sound (and adding to the tension of the game), and then heading out to the celebration, hearing roars and screams from every direction as people filled every street and alley, running to join the throng packing Franklin street. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and hopefully those who are watching the game there tonight can do the same thing.

For those of you who have been led astray and come here expecting a music may just want to keep moving. There will be no music today. Today is basketball day. Try again tomorrow.


doug said...

Oh, and here I thought the basketball season was over. Damn Michigan State - ruining it for EVERYBODY!

Sorry, but go Illini (them's fightin' words I know). Actually I don't really care, but should be a decent game to watch.

Reid said...

But Doug, you should be rooting for Carolina! They avenged Kentucky's loss! ;-)

It makes perfect sense for anyone who's not partial to Carolina to be rooting for Illinois...they're a school without a championship going up against a powerhouse with multiple. Carolina's the one team of mine that makes me feel strongly about having a team that's a powerhouse and that has won a championship recently. I'd love to see them win the next 10 championships in a row, but it's hard to complain too much when they lose. There's tons of other schools that have never even been in the championship game, let alone won it. And losses are losses and feel lousy, but Carolina losing will never keep their win in '93 from being anything other than an amazing moment in their history.

This is something that I feel about all teams and fans. Won a championship? Great. Enjoy it. And it doesn't make losing any easier. But it does mean that it's time to stop talking about heartbreak and curses and no one understanding your pain. I'll feel like shit tonight if the Heels lose, but punch me hard in the nose if I ever say that the Heels "always blow it" or talk about how painful it is that the Heels "haven't won a championship in 12 years!" (it isn't painful) a Wake fan.

The championship is the ultimate prize for both team and fans in sports. And when you have that championship, it's like being filthy rich: it doesn't mean that you don't have the defeats and heartbreaks that anyone has, but it does mean that you shouldn't expect those that have no money to feel sorry for you when your bank account slips a little.

...thinking out loud...