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Monday, May 09, 2005

I think I might lie here a little longer

Today marks the first day of Restaurant Week here at Word Practice, when I realize a never-held ambition to be a food reviewer. Since I don't actually possess a personality or ambitions of my own, I figured I'd be like all those other people who desperately want to be restaurant reviewers. There is no other reason for me to do this than: because. Which was the only reason my mother ever gave me for any of the decisions she made, so it's just the way I was raised.

Please note that Restaurant Week is unlikely to last longer than a day.

Restaurant Week Review #1: 21P
Here's a well-known but rarely stated fact of the restaurant world: flavor is gonna cost you. Some restaurants "justify" their high prices with quality ingredients and/or chefly creativity, and these are usually the best ones. Then there's the theory held by restaurants like 21P that if you put as many possible flavors into one dish, you have to charge $25 for it. And it's not that it's bad, really; it's that just because you put habanero-fed jalapenos on top of a skittles-crusted, pork-fed lambchop and cover it with pineapple mango goat cheese salsa gravy aioli doesn't automatically make it good. It reminds me of those times in college when we would have eaten all the crap food we could stomach and, just to make life hard on the people cleaning the dishes, would combine everything leftover onto our plates into one big swirl of mis-matched food, except with higher-quality ingredients.

A side note to this was the guy who sat by himself at the table next to us. Now, I'm all for people going to restaurants by themselves, but this guy came to a restaurant where he knew damn well he was going to have to sit a while waiting for his food. But, like those idiots who get on a plane without so much as an Entertainment Weekly, let alone a book, he did absolutely nothing to entertain himself, choosing to sit and stare straight ahead as he waited and then ate. Again, to each their own, but this lack of entertainment and company seemed to make him extremely bitter, and he complained loudly about anything to any wait staff who came to his table. He was, and most likely still is, a jerk.

Tomorrow: a review of whatever sandwich I happen to get for lunch, which will likely be something I've gotten a million times.

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