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Thursday, June 02, 2005

Me hit drum with stick go bang

A weird thing that I've noticed lately is that, whenever I'm done with band practice, I feel about as slow as molasses, with the brain feeling muddy and having almost no power to describe anything or contribute anything useful to conversation. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's 75 minutes of high volume, maybe it's the fatigue from playing the drums, maybe there's some truth to hitting things hard and being dumb, or maybe it's a combination of all of them.

It's a weird and somewhat scary feeling, and Nicole was trying to reassure me last night that I'm not dumb, but it's not that I think I am. It's just this really odd, leaden-brained feeling I get when I'm done playing, almost as though I've been administered some drug with the side effects of reverting to caveman-like intelligence.

And judging from the last couple of paragraphs, it takes a while to get over it. Please be a little more understanding of the dumb posts on Thursdays. You can rip into them as much as you'd like any other day of the week.


Chris said...

Are you sure it doesn't have anything to do with the ingestion of quantities of hot dogs, potato salad, and (not least) beer?

Reid said...

Not entirely sure, no.

But...I have had beer without drums and food before and just felt drunk. And I've added food into the equation and just felt full. But throw drums in there, and I feel like the dumbest, slowest, biggest cotton-head alive. Or dead.

Anonymous said...

I was pretty shocked at how fast all of your songs are. Not even a single power ballad. That's got to be an incredible workout. You should patent it and sell exercise dvds. Instead of tae-bo, you would teach drum-bo. It would be like a spinning class but with drum sets instead of bikes. There could be several skill levels, from basic snare drum kit to Neal Peart master drummer.