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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Please report to the principals office

I don't have time for things like thinking and writing these days, and my computer at home up and died, so there's not a whole lot to put here.

In the meantime, I'm going to ask myself and any readers out there who want to contribute in the comments the questions that they ask "celebrities" in the feature of every issue of Mojo. I usually read these and wish that I could gain just enough fame and/or notoriety that they would call me up and ask me the same questions. But in the meantime, I just have to DIY.

What are you currently grooving to?
I've been loving the Maximo Park record, the Sleater-Kinney is growing on me and M.I.A. is still getting played all the time. As far as older stuff goes, I've been listening to a lot of Pogues.


Anonymous said...

Let me start out by saying that when I use the word "new," I basically am referring to anything from the past 6-8 months. I don't pay as much attention to the new release schedules as I should, I guess. Plus I tend to listen to XM radio more than CDs.

A few weeks ago I bought the new Stereophonics and Beck (thanks to this website) CDs, and both have been in heavy rotation. "Dakota" is easily becoming my summer anthem...I can't get over how much I like that song. Picked up the new Last Train Home cd at one of their shows recently...not bad, but not their best.

I'm heading out at lunch today to check out the new White Stripes, Coldplay (who were great at the HFStival), and Ryan Adams CDs.

Still fading in and out of rotation is the new U2 (HBO kept using it in their promos for Entourage, and it got stuck in my head) and the Garden State Soundtrack.

Older stuff I've been revisiting: Essential Drivin N Cryin Live, and The Alarm.

Of course, I also enjoy grooving to the sweet tunes of the areseven jukebox.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the Alarm, anyone seen that ad that feature's "68 Guns"? I can't recall exactly what it's advertising, but it might be some download music service of some kind. Is that not the most RANDOM advertising music placement or what? I can't for the life of me figure it out. As if anyone is going to hear the first few chords of "68 Guns" and think "Wow, I really need to get on the computer and download me some Alarm." I am truly baffled by this advertising decision. (As an aside, I still have a weakness for anything off of the album "Declaration".)

Reid said...

Answer the question, Christian: what music are you currently grooving to? WHAT?! MUSIC?! ARE?! YOU?! CURRENTLY?! GROOVING TO?! Answer it, Christian. Or are you afraid? OR ARE YOU AFRAID?!

No further questions, your honor.

Anonymous said...

Answer: NO music. That is, none to which I am currently "grooving". I generally don't groove. But I'll humor you nonetheless by stating that I am currently *enjoying* the following: Teenage Fanclub "Man Made", Sufjan Stevens "Illinois", Fourtet "Everything Ecstatic", Quasimoto "The Further Adventures of Lord Quas" and the soundtrack to the film "The Harder They Come". Ya happy, now??!! Huh??!!!

Reid said...

Hey, man...take it up with Mojo if you have a problem with the phrasing of the question. They're the writers; I'm just the interrogator.

I liked that Four Tet album when I listened to it on the Luisterpaal. Other things that I heard there and liked where The National and Sons and Daughters.

Reid said...

Oh, and the White Stripes actually sounds pretty damn good.

doug said...

Is Sufjan Stevens the dude that's wanting to make an album for every state and territory (don't know about territory). That's job security for ya.

I'm not really currently grooving to anything I've bought - since I haven't bought much of anything in way too long a time - but I've been really enjoying listening to a whole host of stuff that's being played on KEXP and my local college station (WRVU). Interested in that new White Stripes and been really into the Rolling Stones lately.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Christian, I don't think it's that far off at all: I heard part of "Rain in the Summertime" the other day on the radio and went scrounging around for my old Eye of the Hurricane cassette. Then I ordered it on CD, but I could have just as easily downloaded it.

Listened to snippets of each song on the White Stripes cd in my car earlier (had to take a chance because the listening station at Best Buy didn't have it available yet). I'm not sure if it will grow on me as much as their last one, but so far it seemed pretty good. They're one of the few bands that can make that "lo-fi" production style sound good without seeming faked.

I used to think Surfjam Stevens was one of those beach-guitar guys (i.e. Wipeout, etc.). I'll start listening to him when he comes out with his Maryland album. Or at least one of the other east coast states. Unless it's Rhode Island.

Anonymous said...

Reid, How did you know that feature is the first item I turn to in Mojo? Recently I have been grooving to the new Spoon, some old Kinks (Village Green Preservation Society), and I am also in a funk funk. The Gap Band rule.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'd forgotten about Shudder to Think...may have to revisit them one of these days.

I almost bought the new Oasis yesterday, but after listening to it I was still on the fence. I'd kind of given up on them these last few years, and it seems like such a hassle to rekindle my interest in them.

Really got back into Midnight Oil about a year or so ago. Saw them twice at the 9:30 club a few years ago and was amazed at how much energy they still had.

Reid said...

Wow, Paul...some great mentions in there. I could never get tired of "Lovers Walk" or "Back In San Francisco".

I know I'm biased, but "Downtown" is one of those songs that should have been a huge, huge hit.

"14th Street" is definitely my favorite song off that Rufus album. "Go or Go Ahead" (?) is great, too. Beyond that, I've lost interest in him.

I did used to love the Indigo Girls, but even when I go back to their old stuff, I still cringe a little, especially at Emily's songs, which I used to think were better than Amy's, but now they seem so Pollyanna-ish.

Oasis...they deserve a post of their own. The new album struck me as really bland, but...the great thing about Oasis' first two albums was that there was no good reason that they should sound so good. They ripped off songs and sounds all over the place, they weren't doing anything new, and were really predictable. But it did (and still does) sound amazing. Those first two albums excite me in that they were just absolutely the right sound at exactly the right time. They made up this amazing Moment in Music, and the fact that their new album, which basically follows the same blueprint, isn't nearly as exciting, actually makes those first two albums all the more exciting.

Susan, when do we get your favorite album?