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Friday, June 03, 2005

These are not the droids you're looking for

When I made the comment a few days ago that if I mentioned the word "naked" in the same post of a certain beautiful race car driver that I'd get a lot of searches leading to my site, I did honestly expect a few. But it's out of control. Apparently, a lot of people really really really really want to see D_____ P______ naked. For those of you coming here for just that reason, you don't need photos; you need this.

For the rest of you slightly less perverted readers, I have music.

Maximo Park, "Going Missing"
The Futureheads, Bloc Party and Maximo Park have released three albums that are incredibly similar stylistically, but, while I like the Futureheads and Bloc Party albums, I really love this Maximo Park CD. The review goes something like this: "It's catchy. It rocks. It's fun. I like it." But maybe that's still the drum-induced dumbness talking.

Speaking of, I have more scars from Wednesday's practice. The usual callous on my left index finger (or "pointing finger") is now a nasty-colored blister, and some horrible creature got in a bite on my left inner elbow, which is now big and red and itchy. I may have to amputate my left arm by day's end. Details posted here as they happen. Stay tuned.


doug said...

Yeah, I like the stuff I've heard from that Maximo Park CD too. So, what you're saying is that maybe your drumming induces Jennifer Garner-esque music reviews? ;)

Hey, if I wrote the word " n_ _ ed" instead of "-esque" your hits would probably really, really increase!

Anonymous said...


Reid said...

Just kidding. That was me.

d-lee said...

Dolly Parton?
Dana "Kimberly Drummond" Plato?