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Friday, June 10, 2005

We're still all back at my place

What was the first record you bought? And where did you buy it?
I honestly can't think of the first record I bought with my own money, which is kind of sad. You'd think it would have been a huge event.

I do remember the first albums that I actually owned myself, unlike all those Disney soundtracks that I had to share with my sister. On my seventh birthday, I got an ABBA greatest hits album and Billy Joel's Glass Houses. Those two albums and the copy of Queen's Greatest Hits that my mom listened to nonstop in the car around that time still loom very large in my musical taste makeup.

But the first album I bought with my own money? I'm about 80% sure that it was a KISS album, but which one, I don't know. Let's say Destroyer, because I did own it on vinyl and it was at least one of the first KISS albums I owned.

I'm 100% sure that the first album I ever bought was at the dinky record store we used to go to in downtown Kiffisia, Greece, the record store I'm always reminded of when I see the cover to AC/DC's Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. The store had all the cassettes on these big panels, so we always had to flip through every panel to get to the 'K' section, and there at the front was AC/DC. Who scared me a little at the time.


Reid said...

Looking at that AC/DC album cover again, I can't help but think, wouldn't it have been better if they'd but the black eye bar over the dog's eyes, too?

doug said...

Strange. I'm fairly sure the first album I bought was that AC/DC's Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap album - on tape of course - me and my friends in NY thought we were sooo cool listening to "Big Balls" - although I remember that it disturbed me a bit, and I don't think I ever really liked that album - I did like Back in Black though. And, I loved Queens Greatest Hits - it was on very heavy rotation in those years.

Anonymous said...

I'm proud to say my first was Fat Boys, the one with the black frame and the pizza with the miniature fat boys in jailstripes standing on the
. I was on a trip with the fam, ruling the back of the station wagon. I had a walkman tape player, but only tapes my parents had like Beach Boys and Jim Croce and the Star Wars soundtrack. I wore that shit out. But we stopped at the mall and I found the Fat Boys in a bargain bin. All the dudes I ate lunch with in 5th grade would do Jailhouse Rap by memory, so I had to have it.

About 30 minutes into the ride the headphones conked out. But this walkman wasold; it had a red record button, no cover over the tape (you just snapped the tape in) and it was the kind that you could actually hear sound without headphones if you stuck your ear up against the headphone hole and turned it way up. So I spent a good bit of that trip laying down in the back of the station wagon with the tape player jammed in my ear. bldldldldldldldldld stick em.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it wasn't a record. It was a cassette. ;)

I remember this one because I'd saved up my allowance and chore money for a long, long time in order to buy a boom box...the kind with the one big mono speaker. Finally the big day arrived and I bought it and my first tape: Business as Usual by Men at Work.

I think I bought the tape at Caldor's, but it may have been at the record shop next door (one of those stores that sold concert t-shirts and patches - for your jean jacket - of all theheavy metal bands). I was 9 or 10 at the time.

Prior to that I did have some records that were given to me: kid stuff (bought by parents, shared with sister), some hand me down records from my aunt (including Abbey Road, which I loved), and the Star Wars soundtrack, among others. Plus my parents must have had every folk record ever made, which were constantly being played.

I was expecting you to ask our favorite song today.

d-lee said...

I don't recall the first full-length album I bought with my own money. It may have been The Police's Ghost in the Machine on cassette.
I can, though, remember buying the 45 (remember, we didn't call them 7" records back then) for the Clash's Rock the Casbah. Both would have been purchased at The Record Bar at University Mall, Chapel Hill.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I had lots of 45s. And my mom would let me check out records from the Greensboro Public Library. I think the first tape that I bought was "True Blue" by Madonna. It was from the Record Bar at Friendly Shopping Center.

d-lee said...

the first CD I bought was The Smiths Rank along with some crap like Phil Collins No Jacket Required The Fixx Reach the Beach. I got a CD player for Christmas back in like '87 or so, and I got a cd shopping spree as part of that deal. I think it was those three plus U2 Boy and one other I can't remember right now.