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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

And the TV's red glare

I hope the handful of you reading this had a good Fourth of July. I hope the billions of people not reading this had a rotten Fourth, doing nothing but trying to fix their broken appliances, and then it rained and their obnoxious uncle wouldn't shut up all day long, first on the politics and then acting like he invented the barbecue. This goes double for the people of the world who don't celebrate the Fourth of July. That's what they get for not being American. They should've thought of that earlier.

I had a weekend that was long. Almost too long, since I had Friday off as well, and am not really organized enough to plan a trip. It reminded of those days in the 2001 and 2002 that I spent unemployed: thrilled about it at first, but by the end, wondering what to do with all my time. I had a great time, though; eating plenty and drinking more.

I also celebrated my Americanity by rediscovering the simple joys of channel surfing. And by "joys", I mean the thrill of seeing what unbelievably horrible shows TV has cooked up for us, and I think I've found the worst show ever made. MTV has hatched this mangled wreck of a show called "Date My Mom". The premise isn't too bad: a young guy decides to date one of three girls that he's never seen before only by talking to their mothers. But the shows is obviously scripted, and if that wasn't bad enough, the lines are incomprehensibly stupid, and the show has more wooden deliveries than a lumber yard. Isn't the point of a reality show that it doesn't matter that the people can't act? Why try to have them act?

The work week started out with some bad news: the new Sufjan Stevens album that was supposed to come out today is pushed back up to a month because of the copyright issues of having Superman on the cover. Since we all have to wait a little longer, you can take a listen to the mp3 of one of the better songs on the album, called <deep breath>, "Come On! Feel the Illinoise! Part I: The World's Columbian Exposition, Part II: Carl Sandburg Visits Me In a Dream". It's that Part II that really makes it. Must have been one hell of a dream.


Reid said...

Update for anyone who is at all interested: I was able to find the Sufjan album at Borders. Even if you're not into Sufjan Stevens (though I can't imagine why you wouldn't be), you might want to try to find it anyway, because someone is now trying to sell it for $75 on Ebay. If they start getting that kind of money, you could be sitting on a tidy little profit.

d-lee said...

yeah... it looks like nobody is biting on the "buy it now" for $75 option. They're going for about $26. Seems like a lot of trouble to go to considering they're really not that "rare". Although the've done a recall on them, they're also saying to go ahead and sell them. Seems contradictory. Anyway, that's what my local seller of kickass records says. I got mine today. Haven't listened to it yet.