Ride the bus where? These directions stink
It's good to get the reminder that I am jaded, that it's better to get over any pre-conceived notions and prejudices and cloudy thinking and just take in or reject music for that ultimate criteria: Do I want to hear that song again? And that answer to that question for the Cloud Room's "Hey Now Now", in spite of the overly-familiar sound and insert-words-here lyrics that push it dangerously close to generic, is a whole-hearted yes. I want to hear it again and again. Because I like it, and it's good.
They play the hell out of this song on WOXY. And everytime they do, the dj's act like it's destined to become a massive hit. Perhaps it is. It doesn't do much for me though.
WOXY is exactly where I heard it, and, unusually, I loved it the very first time out. Or rather, I wanted to hear it again from the first time out. It's sounds pretty much exactly like the Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, but with more energy. It's nothing special, or anything that's going to spark any cultural revolutions or anything, but it just hits me in exactly the right spot.
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