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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Anyone ever told you that you look like a hurricane?

Well, work's getting all busy again, and the time of the year means that I'm also busy in my duties as commissioner of the Max Fisher Players Fantasy Football League, which took on a new twist when last nights live draft went horribly awry, causing me to loot excessive amounts of beer from Ivaner's fridge. It was chaos, I tells ya.

Since blogging time is getting a little tight, I'll probably go back on a music streak for a while. But until I treat/torture you with rambling writings on how the new Spoon record is "really good" or how I've re-realized recently that Fatboy Slim is the unquestioned last word of musical empty calories, please enjoy this horrifying picture that's being sent out by a radical religious group as an accompaniment to their press release on how Hurricane Katrina resembles a fetus, which is incontrovertible proof that God is punishing Louisiana for having 10 "child-murder-by-abortion centers".

"The image of the hurricane ... with its eye already ashore at 12:32 p.m. Monday, August 29, looks like a fetus (unborn human baby) facing to the left (west) in the womb, in the early weeks of gestation (approx. 6 weeks)," the e-mail message says. "Even the orange color of the image is reminiscent of a commonly used pro-life picture of early prenatal development."
The fact that they have to define "fetus" says a lot about the intelligence level of their target demographic. But still, in a debate, crazy always trumps logic.


Anonymous said...

I just KNEW there was a connection to the pro-lifers and the hell that katrina is passing around the country.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most moronic things I've ever seen! Still, I can't help but think that this sort of thing is akin to, to reference an earlier areseven post, parents who take their kids out of school to see car wrecks. I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a pro-lifer, but to take something as outlandish as this instance by an obviously warped and totally fringe organization and apply it to the pro life movement in general seems a little unfair. To me at least.

Reid said...

No, I don't think they're representative of anything but radical religious groups. I'm not applying it to the pro life movement in general.

I think that what this is more akin to is cases like when PETA tried to get the Green Bay Packers to change their name: while they will stand by the main point, it's more of a way of saying something that's so outrageous that people like me and Salon can't help but remark on it. It may be nuts, but it works. Obviously.

But I will stand by my "target demographic"...a group like this is going to be targeting people who are not very educated and are likely to believe just about any Wrath Of God story.

Anonymous said...

Do you think they realize that the hurricane is *not* actually orange?

Reid said...

Well, I knew that the hurricane isn't actually orange. Did you think I thought it was orange? Are you implying that? It's not like I thought it was orange until just now when you told me. I really did know that. I swear.

But oh, how I wish that hurricanes were orange!

Anonymous said...

Reid, I know *you* weren't applying that generalization. But I wouldn't necessarily put it past Salon to (a periodical which I have enjoyed for many years).

Reid said...

Yeah, I could see Salon going down that path at some point, but I think that article was mostly just written as a, "We knew some whacko relgious group was going to say that this hurricane was a punishment from God."

I know exactly what you mean, though: it's always frustrating when conservatives hold up loud, obnoxious fringe groups and opinions as clear signs of What All Liberals Want In This Country, so it should certainly go the other way.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think you thought it was orange. The email says it's orange. As part of its "proof" that the hurricane looks like a fetus, it says they're the same color. As if two things being the same color equates to looking identical. Plus, again...hurricanes aren't really orange to begin with.

At least they were a little more creative this time. Usually they just claim that hurricanes are God's way of punishing gays. (Apparently only in the gulf states San Francisco I guess he punishes them with obscene housing prices.)

Reid said...

Okay, okay! I really did think that hurricanes were orange until you told me. There?! Happy now?! I'm completely humiliated! Just leave me alone!

Maybe I should stop this line of "joking"'s not going over very well.

doug said...

hurricanes ARE orange damnit!

speaking of fetuses: Reid, you all making the trip to the twins conference being held here in Nashville this week? sounds exciting.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if hurricanes are orange, but I do know that fetuses are windy, rainy, blustery, and especially ferocious after spinning for a while over the Gulf of Mexico.

kris said...

Yes, and if fetuses come in threes out in the exotic Western parts, they call them Triphoons.

m.a. said...

It also looks like a jellyfish. Are the jellyfish angry about something too?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Fournados and Earthquints.

Reid said...

Tad and Kris, you're both ridiculous. And I love you for it.

MA, the jellyfish are angry about something, alright. Jellyfish gumbo!