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Monday, August 01, 2005

When I kissed you on the mouth

This past weekend was one of those odd weekends when I was my own company for almost the entire weekend. I say it's odd because it feels perfectly fine, normal and enjoyable until Monday when I reflect back and realize I'd only had contact with cashiers for the past 48 hours, and otherwise, it was nothing but TV, music and my computer. There were some very nice hours spent in my favorite place in DC, Teaism, with my laptop and brain mulling over the self-promotion of the band. And some nice hours spent as David Carr shooting impossibly long TD passes to Andre Johnson (I just can't bring myself to play Madden at a level where it's actually a challenge). But otherwise, from Saturday morning to today, I didn't really see anyone at all.

The point of all of this is that, in spite of having a ton of thoughts of things I could write about here on Monday morning, by the time I called up the page, my mind was blank. So just direct your attention to the jukebox and listen to Sufjan Steven's beautiful song "Casimir Pulaski Day" and wonder if you've ever heard another song that mentions bible study, kissing and crying.


doug said... tea restarant in the DC area: Teaisim.

doug said...

or rather, Teaism

Reid said... surprise that that's not a category in the Best Bets voting. But I wish they'd include it in the "Coffee" category or something. It really does rule.

I know it makes me sound like a snob, but it's the only place in this entire city that I've found that you can get a properly-made cup of tea. All the other places just give you a cup of hot water and a tea bag. So wrong.

doug said...

Not being a huge fan of coffee houses (I don't like coming out smelling like a ground coffee bean - yet I do like a good cup in the morning) - I think I might like a tea house to go do some work at - sounds relaxing, less smelly, and with the added bonus of being able to get a proper cup o' tea...which is something I'm pretty sure Cory would kill for.

That's right, Kill. As in Dead.

Reid said...

You should bring her along the next time you come to DC so no one has to die for her to get a decent cup of tea. Though the massive amounts of football might make her kill anyway. So they'll still be murder, but for different reasons.

I was pretty surprised to find that there's a coffee place in Winston-Salem (in Reynolda Village) that made tea right. I'll have to go back there again sometime...

Teaism is such a nice, relaxing place to do work that tons of people jockey for the tables, which sometimes makes it a not relaxing place to work. Strange.

d-lee said...

The song "If you're feeling sinister" makes specific mention of "S&M and bible studies". You could assume that there would be kissing at some point of the S&M. Although it doesn't specifically mention crying, it does mention feeling bad several different times.
Okay, so they only mention one of the three and suggest the other two, but that's pretty close.

I'm just sayin'

Anonymous said...

bible study, kissing, and he covering an indigo girls tune?