The apple and tree thing, where it falls, but not far
Without a doubt, one of the best things about being around your family is seeing that so many of the strange and annoying quirks you have are not a failing of your own, but were inherited honestly and irreversibly. There was no decision about it, no neglect of social norms that gave you the characteristics that bug the crap out of others; it was just your family.
It's been comforting to me to see that everyone in my house for Thanksgiving that I'm related to by blood has a tough time putting together a decent description of anything. All night, relatives around me referred to "that place we went to that one time" and "that thing with the know!" and "that goes over next to the chair thingy". It's not anyone's fault; it's just the way we are. We're a non-descriptive people, and it's nice to be able to accept that as a family trait and not a busted synapse in my head.
So today, I'm thankful for my family and their weird way of doing stuff, and not really being able to think things without saying stuff that's, um, not, uh, well...happy thanksgiving, everyone.
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