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Thursday, November 17, 2005

The coup is over! has retaken power!

Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a difficult month for The assasination attempt almost succeeded. Laying in a bed in a small farmhouse in rural western Virginia, was weak and while we prayed day and night and gave offerings and sacrifices to the gods (please don't ask us for specifics on who was sacrificed; we kind of regret it now), there were moments when we thought it might not make it. There were, we admit, moments when we had already buried in our minds.

But thanks to the almighty (aka "Jason"), is back, ready to help you through your times of most desperate desire for procrastination! It might look a little different (being hacked has a way of doing that to a site), but it will be back as usual in no time.

Long may reign!


PeeKay said...

welcome back dear arse 7. oops. look at that a typo to start the day! you were missed. thanks for guest blogging! long live R7.

HK said...

hooray! you are back! now put your blog links back up :)

Reid said...

Patience, HK. We have a lot of work to do in restoring the palace. The hackers vandalized a lot, and we're not even sure where they hid the links. It could take a while.

doug said...

thank goodness you're back - back to more procrastination! woo hoo!

Hans said...

Have you tried looking for a Google-cached page? With the proper search terms, they're not hard to find.

Reid said...

I don't need any cache. I'm rich in information. It's just that some of it is at home, see.

HK said...

I wanna punch those hackers. I can't believe someone even bothered to mess with Jason's server. Thanks for putting the links back up so quickly though. Patience Shmatience.

m.a. said...

Glad you're back.