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Friday, November 11, 2005

For no one

While absolutely no one in the entire world is looking at this blog, simply because it's in a place where no one can find it, I'll share an instant message conversation I had on a birthday a few years ago with my friend Sarah that is entirely in the form of haiku. Enjoy.

Sarah: birthday haiku: reid, now that you are/thirty two you must eat more/sweet honey ice cream
Thanks, but you're too late
See, I've already eaten
All the Pooh's Honey
Sarah: if you ate it all/then what the hell can i eat/birthday equals greed?
For me it does
"Fuck everyone else", I say
It's my damn birthday!
Sarah: when folks think of reid/some think great guy, i think pig/i NEED pooh's honey
What do "people" know?
I ain't nice, never have been
...steal ice cream from kids
Sarah: now you are talking/there's more to you than i thought/i steal cake from kids
We should join forces!
With your cake and my ice cream
...we could party hard!
Sarah: let's start this tonight/i'll steal kids chocolate cake/you steal vanilla
That sounds delicious!
From there, we can try new things
Lime sherbet, peach pie?
Sarah: dessert stealer duos/were meant to try new combos/yes, lime and peaches!
What a pair we are!
Ruling the whole dessert world
with an iron fist!
Sarah: our sugar empire/will never crumble, even/though sugar crumbles
Wow, that's beautiful
I know that we'll perservere
...although ice cream melts
Sarah: even on hot days/when ice cream melts and cake molds/we will be a team
We'll never be stopped!
Gotta go, but wish you could
join us for dinner
Sarah: i hope your birthday/is very fun and that soon/we will steal desserts!


mysterygirl! said...

You two are very talented! Was that the world's slowest IM exchange, or should you be in a Speed Haiku competition?

Reid said...

It was pretty fast if I remember right. There was a little bit of a haiku frenzy going on with our friends around then, but mostly, it's amazing how sitting at the same computer at work all day can bring out the creativity.

Anonymous said...

Reid!!!! This must have been one of the best haiku exchanges of all time. We must get together soon to continue our sugan reign.
