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Monday, January 30, 2006

Please note the following schedule change

The regularly scheduled broadcast of Word Practice will not be aired today due to a broken heart and a heavy workload. In its place, is proud to present the following quality programming:

CSI: Monroe Elementary Afternoon Recess
Chemistry nerds Joe and Kimmi use their studies to help out victims of ouchies and boo-boos. This week, the team analyzes a shredded pair of tighty whities to track down the perpetrator—and the victims—of a savage series of atomic wedgies. TV-MA


PeeKay said...

argggggg! this is worse than george bush's (in the role of the president) state of the union address interupting the O.C.

Reid said...

It's a good show! Just give it a chance!

Anonymous said...

I used to love watching CSI: MEAR. But it jumped the shark with that story line about little Elliot struggling with and overcoming his glue eating addiction. No way they would have reinstated him after that.

My favorite episodes were when they investigated the cafeteria's mystery meat, and when they had to trace the sawdust used by the janitor to clean up puke in the hallways.

Washington Cube said...

I can help them with who is spreading cooties in the third grade: Jimmy Holtzman, and Bobby Weaver (this part is true) invented a game where he puts down a handkerchief and plays a baseball game using his boogers.

Reid said...

Scott, I can see your point. I think the quality has been pretty good, but I've been disappointed that they've started using some cheap ploys to disgust and shock on that show. I mean, I guess it's good that they're addressing the serious issue of gerbil mutilation, but did we really need to see Mr Brownie's guts all over the glass tank? Did we really need really need to see each and every swirlie administered? When I get home after a hard day of work, the last thing I want to see is yet another kid sobbing over lost lunch money. Ease up a bit.

Cube, I thought it had been proven a few years ago that boogers aren't a carrier of cooties. Am I wrong on that?