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Sunday, January 01, 2006

So this is the new year

I was all set to deliver my annual sermon on how New Years Day should be the holiday of presents instead of the holiday of hangovers, but I ran out of time. I was far too busy eating brats and kraut, riding the rails and watching Batman Begins. Amazing how you lose track of time like that.

God only knows what 2006 will deliver us. I have two weddings to go to, a few shows to play, and maybe a few songs to write if things go well. I'm sure there'll be a few wars, some horrifying events and some surprising celebrity deaths. I don't really have a very good feeling about this year, but I probably feel that way about every year. Still, I'm excited to see what happens. The plot of this thing is insane.

Happy New Year, everbody.


akaijen said...

We watched Batman Begins on Christmas. Most excellent. Spent 2nd Christmas (aka Monday) watching all the special features. My only disappointment was the lack of special feature about how hot Cilian Murphy is. I digress...

One of those weddings had better be mine! I actually have an appt to try on dresses this afternoon. I can't fanthom spending gazillions on a dress that I'll only wear once and then finding out that no one can make it to my wedding.

I'm sure that 2006 can be worse than 2005, but it'd have to actually try.

Megarita said...

I just read a bit in the Post about how there's an "optimism gap" between self-identified liberals and conservatives. Unsurprisingly, liberals are feeling rather gloomy about the fate of us all in 2006. Conservatives feel a lot better about things. I could comment further, but I think that little nugget stands nicely on its own.

Reid said...

Jen, you're getting married?!! I'm kidding, of course. Wouldn't miss yours for the world.

Yeah, I loved Batman Begins. It was even worth the high price I had to pay to watch it On Demand. It's one of the few action movies that had both fantastic action and a great plot.

Megarita, that theory makes sense. Liberals tend to be more critical (and often abandon theories and leaders too quickly) and conservatives tend to be more faithful (and often stay with ideologies and leaders too long).

My pessimism is more to do with the fact that almost every year of this new century has given us a massive catastrophe. 9/11, the tsunami, Katrina. I don't know if it's because it's natural to look to the very recent past and assume that the future is going to be the same, but in looking ahead to the next 364 days (one down), it just seems to hard to imagine not having a world-shaking event.