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Sunday, February 05, 2006

Gayest. Sports. Weekend. Ever.

Every winter, Doug Dropstones comes into town to hang out with Xtian and me and watch an obscene amount of sports on the TeeVee. Until this past weekend, his visit happened on the three-day MLK weekend, when the NFL divisional playoff round coincides with the heating up of the ACC schedule, and by the end of the weekend, even we're a little sports-spectated out. This year, though, some scheduling conflicts meant that Doug had to postpone his visit for Super Bowl weekend, when there's only one (only one!) football game, and no real quality hoops matchups.

So besides watching the Super Bowl and portions of a few ACC games, how did we spend our weekend? By occupying ourselves with activities that only football fans of the most confident of sexual preferences would ever be happy with doing openly. We:

  • Watched—and unanimously loved—Brokeback Mountain, and we didn't even put empty seats between us, which every guy knows is a clear sign to the rest of the world that we are not gay.
  • Went shopping at Aveda.
  • Went shopping for shoes.
  • Had tea. With scones.
  • Watched Project Runway.
  • Had brunch. Twice.
I would like to foot this list with the statement that I'm comfortable with any conclusion that anyone draws from it: that I'm gay as a five-dollar bill, that I'm offensive and wrong (this is true) for openly thinking that the above list is funny, or that the list is really an indication of our age and changing, more quiet tastes (movies, TV, tea, consumerism) and is absolutely no reflection of our sexual preference.

At the risk of sounding like I'm throwing this next part in to try and prove that No Look I Still Watch Football, I will leave my thoughts about the Super Bowl at this: If, about six or seven years ago, you had been told that the Seattle Seahawks would make it to a Super Bowl, and you had to guess what they'd do in the game, you would say this: "The Seattle Seahawks? In the Super Bowl? Well, they blow every chance they have, commit big penalties on anything they manage to do right, and get beaten by double digits, of course." Oh, how easy the world is to predict sometimes...


Reid said...

Gay?! You wish! That's just soooo New York.

doug said...

man, if I had waited a week, we could've watched figure skating! good times!

Made it back in less than 8 hours!

d-lee said...

Sorry I missed out on the gayness.

I was actually in DC for the traditional DC to DC (MLK day) weekend, but everyone had other plans, and my trip there was pointed.
Hopefully, I'll be able to get up there some time for some gayness.