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Wednesday, February 08, 2006


The following is the notes from the meeting that my brain and I had this morning to try and decide what to write about here today.

REID: I can't think of anything. What do you have, Brain? Come on. Come through for me here. Give me something good.

BRAIN: Well, one thing I was thinking about while you were asleep was that email that Jason wrote to the March list the other day about how much MySpace sucks because it's written in Cold Fusion. Now, I know that you don't really have any opinion about Cold Fusion, but weren't you saving up a post on how much MySpace sucks?

REID: Oh, yeah. That's a good one. MySpace really does suck. Thanks to letting people fully customize their pages, it's like back to 1998 all over again, with flashing text and gawdy, impossible-to-read color schemes that have no business fraternizing with each other. And even their own code is ugly and to call it "clunky" would be an understatement.

BRAIN: Right, right. But you've got to admit that their one simple decision to allow bands to post mp3s has ended up not only creating an invaluable network of bands, but it's also made bands who don't have the time or money to create a band website easily and for free.

REID: Oh, sure. You can't deny it. Plus, the single page layout is so much easier to navigate than some of these god-awful band sites with unnecessary flash, and where you have to poke around for a good while just trying to find some songs to listen to.

BRAIN: Good one. Okay, so how about we construct a post that starts out with how MySpace sucks but is providing a service, and then move on to an itemized list of criticisms of band websites?

REID: God, that sounds boring. I'll really have to work at it to make that shit funny or even remotely interesting.

BRAIN: I can take a stab at making it funny. If you want.

REID: HA! Please. You couldn't be funny if you tried, Brain. Name one single time that you've said or written something funny that wasn't just some ripoff from the Simpsons. You can't! You can't do it! Listen, I don't think this is going to work. Let's just call off the post for today.

BRAIN: You know we can't do that. A post every day is in our deliverables. We have to take vacation time if we're not going to post.

REID: Well, come up with something. I'm spent.

1 comment:

Washington Cube said...

You've succeeded, Brain. It is funny.