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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

New from Pixar: Phones!

Dear technological world,

I know how to leave a voice mail message. I've been doing it for years. I've had a lot of practice. I'm really good at it. I know that the tone means that I should start recording a message. I know that when I'm done, I hang up or press pound for more options. I think I speak for pretty much everyone. We know what's what by now.

So please, stop making me listen to detailed instructions on how to leave a message every...single...time I have to do it. Thank you.

All too sincerely,

ps. tell your friend that's the voice for my phenomenally incompetent work voice mail that I don't need to be told, "Remember: one for yes and two for no", because I can't forget when I'm reminded every &*%$#@ day!!


doug said...

oh hey, so because of this, I went and checked my phone message, and you can actually remove those instructions (on Sprint at least) - which I did - oh, but, except for when you call ;)

Reid said...

Oh, I see. Well, in that case, that letter should be addressed, "Dear Doug".

Anonymous said...

I'd like to add that their other friend, Audix (my work's voice mail system), also needs a good talking to because she makes it very difficult to check messages. Once I enter my extension and password, and it tells me I have new messages waiting, it shouldn't go off on a tangent giving me instructions on how to *record* a message. If it *must* give me a list of options at that point, the first one should be "listen to your new messages." That's the only option I ever use anyway. Then once I choose that option, and it tells me I have a new message from so-and-so at such-and-such time, is it really necessary to ask me again whether I want to listen to it? I already said I did. Just play the d@mn thing and if I don't want to listen to it, I'll skip it or hang up.

I mean, what's it gonna start asking me for some bizarre word verification thingy?

Reid said...

You're allowed to write out "damn" on this blog, Scott. If kids are going to learn profanity, at least they can learn to spell it right. The only exception is "motherfucker", which has to be censored so that it reads "motherfuck*r".

doug said...

well sh!tfire! we can say "damn"!? h#ll yeah!

Anonymous said...

See, I would've spelled it out if it wasn't for your use of "&*%$#@ day" in the post. I thought maybe you were trying to keep this a family blog.

Reid said...

A family blog?! Fuck that shit! No, I just think that cartoon swearing is ten times funnier than any real-life swearing.

d-lee said...

I had a discussion with someone about that kind of thing the other day. Specifically, we were talking about the rumors that Showtime is going to pick up "Arrested Development". No, not the band. The underappreciated TV show. Anyway, this person says it'll be sweet if it goes on cable so they can actually cuss. I said that the beeps and the obscured mouths make it even funnier. Especially that one episode (I think at the end of season one) when Buster went on a cussing explosion. good stuff.

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny how on tv when someone says "god damn" they bleep out the "god" part rather than the "damn" part.