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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Tune in Wednesday

It's been a while since I've offered up some tunes, so I thought I'd throw some musical tips onto your hard drives, giving you some indie pop like your mom used to make.

Field Music, "I'm Tired"
This is a really lovely album. It was one of those ones that I downloaded on a whim after hearing that they were friends and peers with the Futureheads and Maximo Park and were tapping the same musical vein as those northern English boys, but quieter. The first listen made me think that it was pleasant enough, like a slightly more sour version of XTC with Sea and Cake production, but it was probably something that I would forget to listen to. But it's really grown on me, and this song in particular is swoontastic.

Mates of State, "Like U Crazy"
I've always been iffy on Mates of State. Their arrangments are jaw-dropping--pop with the brains of prog--but I always struggled to get past their "I can sing louder than you" duet vocals. But Christian's friend Jeff was swearing by their new album this weekend, saying that it was much more different and varied, and there's only so long I can hold out from a married couple musical duo who takes their new baby on tour with them, so I went and bought it. And Jeff was right: it's really great stuff, and just by virtue of playing a piano instead of a synth in this song makes it enough to love.


Anonymous said...

Love the handful of Field Music tracks I've heard so far and can't wait to get the apparently to be expanded domestic issue of the album when it comes out in a few weeks. Woohoo! Re. Mates of State...I've always kinda felt that if you had one of their albums, you had them all. But Jeff was adament about this one and hopefully I"ll get a chance to check it out when the misses picks it up.

Anonymous said...

This fits in perfectly with the playlist I recently created: songs downloaded < past 4 months where song title contains " U ". Now I have a fourth song to join Since U Been Gone, I Would Die 4 U, and Nothing Compares 2 U.

Reid said...

The more I listen to Field Music, the more I love it. And I thought of another comparison: Pas/Cal, but less manic. The "less manic" part is a minus, but it still has the same amazing pop angle.

Christian, it must be a big advantage to be getting hitched to someone with good taste in music. Let me know when you give away duplicate CDs you can't sell back like Susan and Tad did.

Scott, for a joke playlist, that would actually be a really great listen...for about 12 minutes.