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Monday, March 27, 2006

When can I put my jacket at the back bottom of the closet?

I love the springtime over-optimism that happens in DC every year. The temperature creeps barely above 50 degrees and everyone's out on the bar and restaurant patios. Now they're shivering in their sweaters and huddled under heatlamps, but they can't wait for the t-shirt weather to get here officially, so they force it. It cracks me up.

...but while I was laughing at those people this weekend, I realized that I had done the same thing. I stopped taking my jacket around this weekend, because, after months of lugging it around, I'm ready to not have it anymore. And so I shivered my way through the weekend like all those desperate-for-spring patio dwellers.

You might think that I had a good laugh at myself for sneering at people and then finding out that I do the same. But in a way, it was actually kind of comforting. I felt a strange sort of solidarity of stubbornness.

Rock on, people. I can't wait 'til it's warm, either.


d-lee said...

My parents used to have this next door neighbor who was such the type to rush into spring that he would plant his tomatoes at the first sign of warm weather. Even when he was warned to ignore the premature spring-like symptoms, he would plant them the first time the temperature broke 60. So we're talking late February. Sure enough, winter would come back, or at least another frost would come. This would always ruin the tomato plants and my mother would always get the delight of saying "I told you so".

doug said...

oh, was I not supposed to plant my tomatoes back when it was 65 degrees in January? oops... :)

Reid said...

That neighbor of Dave's? Theodore Roosevelt.

Anonymous said...

Reid, it's ok. You can admit you lost your jacket during a drunken escapade. We've all been there.

Reid said...

Scott, you've been reading this blog for almost as long as I've been writing it. Do you really think that if I'd lost my jacket in a drunken escapade, I wouldn't turn it into a long, meandering post? Hell, do you think that if I had a drunken escapade that I wouldn't turn that into a long, meandering post?

Actually, I think I'm having a drunken escapade right now as I try to type "kkrzheqk" into the word verification on some Yuenglings.

Hans said...

Mmmmm, Yuengling.