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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Forget it

Man, I know that the neglect of this page has reached a new low when I realize that I've outright forgotten to do it. It's not that I'm just too busy (though I am) and it's not that I don't have anything to write about (I don't), but I just plum forgot. Forgot to check the stats, forgot to post, forgot to even think about what to post about. Part of it is the pretty girls. Office Crush #1 came back from vacation, I had a dreamy conversation with Office Crush #2, and The Pretty Friend went to lunch with me. These things have a tendency to put my mind in other places.

To try and make up my lameness to you, my faithful readers, I offer up this sacrifice of Sondre Lerche's awfully-nice cover of Elvis Costello's "Human Hands". It was disappointing when I realized that the best song on the album is a cover¹, but it's a really good cover. Add in some jazzy drums, ratchet up the tempo a little bit and you have some enjoyable tuneage there, pardner.

Have a good Easter weekend, if you're into that sort of thing. Enjoy the t-shirt weather if you're not.

¹ The first time I heard it, I thought it sounded familiar, but didn't think much about it. It's an EC song that I know, but not well enough to recognize immediately. But I did wonder at how a guy who doesn't speak English as a first language can come up with a line as clever as, "I'm just a mere shadow of my former selfishness." Well, that's how: he didn't write it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny...I randomly pulled out and played "Imperial Bedroom" last night. I loves me some that...