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Thursday, May 25, 2006


I have two confessions to make:

  1. I watched American Idol last night. All of it.
  2. I only watched because of Katharine McPhee.
I realize that these confessions give me company that numbers in the millions, but I still feel a little ashamed of it. This is partly because, while I'd been aware of McPhee's cuteness for a while, I wasn't expecting to be so stunned by her. Seriously, it was a little worrying. I usually find real-life women much more attractive than TV women, but I haven't been that beauty-struck by the TV since the mid-80's, when I dreamed about about the chance circumstances that would make me the boyfriend of Allison Smith from Kate and Allie. I suppose it's possible that my McPheever was partly due to the fact that I had the TV muted the whole time, so it seemed like she was singing Phoenix's "Rally" instead of whatever corny number they had her warbling. But still: yow.

But while I was into this show for the pretty, I was actually surprised at how nice it all seemed. I only ever tuned into American Idol in the early rounds to see the deluded people who thought they were great singers, and assumed that the rest of the show was full of nasty, hair-pulling competition. But this final episode seemed very feel-good, with a lot of fun all around. Now, maybe both Katharine and Taylor have exactly the sorts of social acting skills that true stardom requires, but they both seemed genuinely glad to be there, thrilled to get as far as they had. They seemed to (again: might have been faked) have a mutual respect and admiration for each other, and I actually think they would make a pretty cute couple.

I was a little sorry to see that my imaginary girlfriend didn't get the ultimate prize, but it was really nice that it went to such an unlikely candidate. Maybe America was a little tired of perfectly-polished obvious stars like Carrie Underwood, but it was nice to see people are willing to vote for a pudgy, double-chinned grey-haired guy, especially when his competition in the competition was so freaking gorgeous. He deserved it.

So since I've made a few blush-worthy admissions here, I'm going to ask for some comments on the subject from some of the regular readers. You know who you are.


doug said...

yeahhh, I watched most of this season's Idol - except for last night's episode (well, except for a few moments, like the Prince performance which was pretty great). It conflicted with the Lost finale, which I didn't want to wait for. I like the show - probably because it is so gosh darn feel-good, and it's fun to see Paula drunk, and whatever snarky comment Simon will come up with that is usually spot on. But, yeah, when it gets down to the 10 or so left, everyone seems to be genuinely friendly with each other, and it's actually kind of nice, because then it really is much more about their performances (and their stage presence and all that stuff), then about conflicting personalities and who's a bastard and who's not - which make up so many reality shows. I bet they don't really spend that much time together towards the end - it's gotta be pretty busy to learn and practice for all the songs they have to sing every week and then to make appearances and things like that. Anyway, I was pulling for Taylor, but I kind of figure "they're all winners" when it comes down to the last 4 or so - those people all seem to do fine - so it's not that interesting to me who won the whole enchilada. Okay, that's my essay on Idol.

Anonymous said...

Homie, it's like you wrote this post just for me. Did you know I am writing my senior thesis on Idol? It's just such a brilliant show. Everyone can be critic. A weird, wild variety of song genres and choices. Cheesy clothes. Simon. Conspiracy theories. Image transformation. Love it all. This season I talked to one of my best friends from the 'boro the day after every show to re-hash. I mean, there just aren't that many shows you can really do that with. Call your Grandma, I bet she's watching Idol. I'm an Elliott fan all the way. The world needs a white kid from Richmond with odd looks who can blow the lid off some Donny Hathaway and George Benson.

Anonymous said...

I've actually never seen AI...but I'm pretty certain I'd rather just hear Susan recap it. ;) I do know from SNL though that this Taylor Hicks guy claims to be the leader of something called "the soul patrol". That alone pretty much scared me from watching.

Reid said...

Doug, thanks for reminding me of that other national phenomenon TV show that I know nothing about. I should watch an episode of Lost and then post my thoughts of it, which will probabaly be something like, "Wha....??????"

And there is that feeling of "they're all winners", but I'm sure I'm not the only person who saw a betrayal of complete devastation in McPhee's reaction...

Susan, was it obvious that it was you I was angling for a comment from? Thanks. And I'm pretty sure my Grandmother wouldn't watch AI...unless one of the Bushes was a contestant. And even then...

Xtian, I know what you mean. It does seem a little scary in some ways. But feel-good and hotness factors are enough to overwhelm the cheese.

Hans said...

I don't know what either of them look or sound like, but I'm really glad the bitchy chef didn't win top chef. It went to the nice guy, and someone actually mentioned that he'd be good to work with, which I think is imperative for a good chef but most chefs think they'll make better food if they're assholes to everyone. Sorry, this didn't answer your question at all, but I will say this: Paula Abdul is still hot.

Reid said...

Hans, rule #1 of this site is this: EVERYTHING is on-topic. Rule #2 of this site is: please don't use the word "asshat". It makes me retch a little.

I have to agree with you, Hans: "food" and "asshole"--both the words and the things--should be kept far apart from each other.