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Thursday, August 17, 2006

An announcement

Ladies and gentlemen, I have a brief announcement to make. Today, August 17th, I am giving up on the 2006 Houston Astros. I'm doing this before this already-five-game losing streak can do any more damage to my moods.

Anyone who dares to say, "There's still a month and a half! They could turn it around!" will get a severe what-are-you-kidding-me look.


Anonymous said...

This public sports pronouncement stuff is risky business. Don't be a fairweather...lest you be forced to swallow your own words! Unless you're trying to perform some sort of internet reverse hex or something... ;)

Reid said...

Well, you're right. There's a little bit of a reverse-hex, "God I hope I'm wrong" thing going on here.

I'm not fairweather, unfortunately. It'd be a lot more fun if I was. I know you know that feeling. I'm just saying that I'm giving up hope, and now I'll just check the scores instead of the scores and the standings.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...I gotcha. There does come a point in *most* seasons where the fan must come to recognize that his/her team will not be winning the World Series/Super Bowl/Championship/ETC. The day of reckoning we all dread...

Hans said...

Why our teams gotta be all gettin' our hopes up and then dashing 'em like that? Damn!