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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Pop perspective

Oh, Life! You cruel, cruel force! Why do you kick me like so many cans?! Why do you sit on me like so many fat bullies?! Why do you wrap me in grief like the humidity on 100-degree days?! Why do you and God hate me SO MUCH?!

I'm exaggerating, of course. Relative to the destitute and bombed-upon, I live an incredibly blessed and lucky life. Actually, even relative to blessed and lucky people, I live an incredibly blessed and lucky life. But relative only to my blessed and lucky life of, say, a few months ago (read: not this week), I'm a sad, sad, unlucky sap. What I'm missing in sleep, I'm making up for in insane workload and even insaner hours. I'm drowning in email and choking on my to-do list. People close to me say with concern, "I've never seen you like this before." Imagine my pain!

But then there's little Lily Allen. Remote observers would get the impression that I'm nothing but carefree as I wander around the halls of my office and down the streets of Dupont, singing, "Sun is in the sky, oh why oh why would I want to be anywhere else?" It's the power of the pop chorus, one so powerful that it not only makes you forget your woes, it makes you forget the self-congratulatory "I see the seedy side of life" verses.

Believe it, lady.


d-lee said...

Dude, you are so "it". I've tagged you in the five weird things about me" game.

Expect serious repercussions if you don't follow through.

akaijen said...

Oh man, that is such a catchy song. Will definitely get me some of that. Is the rest of her stuff any good?

Reid said...

Dave, I'm tagged? Does that mean I'll set off the security alarm if I try to leave the store? That's cool. That means I don't have to go into work.

Jen, I've only heard the first few songs on the album, and it sounds great. I thought it was going to be out in the US in early August, but I guess not. It could be out in the Netherlands. To hear more, you should just go to The Hype Machine and do a search on Lily Allen. You should be able to hear most of the stuff on her bblum.