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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Too 2

On the way to work this morning, I was passed by a runner. This wouldn't be bloggable news if it wasn't for the fact that the guy was wearing a shirt that had huge block letters on the back letting his passed-by know that he was "2 XTREME".

I immediately felt a huge jolt of inferiority. Don't get me wrong: I'm plenty extreme. But my extreme-ness is—I hate to say—pretty manageable. Could I ever really say that I'm too extreme? I don't think I could. And even if I did cross that realm into being unbearably extreme, could I bring myself to spell it wrong? Again, I don't think I could. That's a move that's so extreme that only the greatest of daredevils could bear to be around said extreme person.

I will never, ever be that extreme. This is my burden, dear readers.


Anonymous said...

If you were going to call yourself "2 [something]," what would it be? (And how would you spell it?)

I would pay good money for a shirt that automatically displayed a good comeback to a moronic statement on another person's shirt. Or a bumper sticker that did the same.

Anonymous said...

I can vouch for this man's extreme-ness, mean *xtremeness*. Jogging has in fact become the latest event in the X-Games. Not for the faint of heart, boys and girls...

Reid said...

Scott, these days I think I would be "2 BOARD". That doesn't have quite the same ring to it, though.

So maybe jogging isn't too xtreme, Xtian. But maybe he's just training for something more xtreme than we could even imagine, like skydive-bullfighting or bunjee jumping with cobras in the place of bunjees.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the jogger had razor blades in his socks? Now THAT would be XTREME! Related question: what is more extreme: XTREME or X-TREME? I think the dash makes it even more extreme personally. It's so extreme in fact that the X has to be physically separated from the rest of the world. Think about it...

Anonymous said...

Oh, oops, I meant "seprated by the rest of the word" not "world". But yeah, that too...

Anonymous said...

that's so x-treme, x-tian.

jogging can be x-treme. the "more than words" kind of x-treme...

Reid said...

Yeah, but Scott...that would definitely make it Extreme with an E. And if that is extreme, then I'm xtreme at least. At least.

This is important work we're doing here, fellas.

d-lee said...

I am reminded of a moment of genius. It was early 1993, and I was in a car with Christian, going to some rock show. It might even have been "that" rock show. We were passed by a car which had some stencil lettering on the back windshield.

"2 HYPE 4 U in '92"

Without any hesitation, Christian said out loud
"Can't spell for shit in '93"
