A feeling we don't understand
It's a bittersweet weather day. It's cooled down a little, which makes the days sweet instead of sweltering, but there's a little chill in the air in the mornings that says the weather will soon be better suited to sweaters. Which is not a bad thing. I like sweaters. But recently, I've really gotten to appreciate the warm weather, and now my short sleeves are giving me a teary look that seems to say, "We're not going to be seeing much of each other for a while, are we?" I try to tell them that we should just enjoy what little time we have left together, but it's understandably pretty emotional.
To enjoy the last bit of warm weather, I'll share with you the song that filled my morning routine with sunshine: I'm From Barcelona's "We're From Barcelona". Between band name ("I'm...") and song name ("We're...") and lyrics ("And we're I'm From Barclona"), it gets a little MC Escher on the pronouns, but it's sunny and bright enough to put plenty of cheer into me. I'm sorry to see the first signs of cooling, but I'm happy to see this summer end, and who better to celebrate the last of the longer days and warmer weather than a bunch of Swedes claiming they're from Spain? Enjoy.
I remember really liking that song about five months ago, and then it got really annoying after repeated listens. But the first few times I heard it I was dancing and singing along.
Yeah, I can definitely see how it would be annoying after a while. But it sounded perfect yesterday morning. And if a song can get me excited about the day before I've even gotten to work, there's something there...
Was I'm From Barcelona formed by an ex-member of Barcelona?
Do you have a welcome fall song? Something that isn't about back to school and doesn't use leaves falling as a metaphor about aging or romance. Summer songs, plenty, winter has snow and gaudy pine cone day, spring is a bouncy word, but fall?
Poor fall, feel bad for the new season not your shirts. Your t-shirts had a good few months - and can continue on, just hiding under a button down or later, a wooly friend. It’s just shirt hibernation.
ALL songs use metaphoric imagery for aging or romance. Or drugs. It would be damn near impossible to find one that doesn't. Doncha think?
A couple of my personal favorite "autumn" songs are "Indian Summer" by Beat Happening and "September Gurls" by Big Star.
Okay... maybe not ALL songs. But a lot.
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