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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Plotting out '07

My boss has an interesting take on New Year's resolutions: he's resolved to make his resolutions only be positive. Instead of saying that he's going to stop doing something, he's resolves to do something that's beyond fixing things that are broken and concentrates on adding actions that make life happier. Last year, his New Year's resolution was to celebrate something every month with a bottle of champagne. Even in the most routine months, he found something in his life to celebrate, and making that effort helps him find those little gems in his life that he wouldn't otherwise stop to appreciate. It's a pretty great gesture.

In the spirit of that, I decided to make three resolutions this year. Not always being a particularly optimistic person, I can't really hold fast to the "only be positive" approach, but I'll get as close as I can.

Resolution #1: Steal my boss' "celebrate something every month" resolution.
Self-explanatory. Though, not being married, I'll need people to help me with the champagne. Volunteers?

Resolution #2: Buy Street Sense and give money to street performers.
I often find myself walking by musicians performing on the street and think, "That guy's good. I should give him some money." And I walk by guys selling Street Sense, and think, "I should buy a copy." But for some reason, my arms never get the message that my brain's sending out, and I just don't. It's stupid, really, so from now on, when I think to buy or give, I will.

Resolution #3: Do things.
I'm restless. I really want to see more of life and experience more, but I talk myself out of doing anything. So once a month, I'm going to force myself to do something I've never done before. That's putting a fine point on it, but there's general sub-resolutions: to not second-guess calling up an old friend out of the blue. To not let "I'm tired" be a valid excuse. But that's going a little negative, so let's keep it clean at: do things that are more of an experience.
In the spirit of giving, and to make your New Year's Eve/Day a little smoother, go listen to the same three songs I posted last year: "What Are You Doing New Year's Eve" by Nancy Wilson, "Auld Lang Syne" by Guy Lombardo and "Happy New Year" by Camera Obscura. Happy new year!

What was that? You're wondering where my 2006 mix is? That I promised it this week? Oh, readers. You should've known better than to believe that.


Anonymous said...

I'm stealing that #1 as well.

My other resolution is to go see The Positions in concert at least once a month.

Maybe I'll combine the two and drink champagne while seeing The Positions in concert. It could be the new hip trend for 2007.

fats durston said...


I saw Douglas Wolk touting (and hosting) that Bossanova song with Brazil in the title that you put on one of your year-end collections a few years back. And yes, I wanna see your 2006 collection.

Guesses: Something from Regina Spektor; "Wooh! Alright - yeah ... Uh Huh," The Rapture; a "My Love" remix; "Smash Your Head," Girltalk, and something from Ys.

fats durston said...

Shit, I didn't even look at your best of album list. Dammit. Thought you didn't like Jenny Lewis, though...

Reid said...

Scott, we drank champagne at practice one time and it was easily the best practice we've ever had. We should do it more often.

Good luck on seeing the Positions once a month, though. That's a resolution that's going to be broken in January.

Fats! Good to have you back. You're not the first person to think that I would like Regina Spektor. I should check her out.

I've never liked Rilo Kiley, which is why it was so surprising that I loved the Jenny Lewis record.

PeeKay said...

hey areseven,
im having a tupperware party on janueary 9th. would that fit into your #3 resolution.

im all for a resolution which involves 12 bottles of champagne. all at once would be negative, spread out between 30 days = brilliant.

hey you can bring champagne tuesday and then you would kill 2 resolutions with one bottle.

sound like a plan?