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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Hypnotize with a tie

It's amazing. I can wear the same gray pants I wear to work regularly. I can combine it with a light blue button-down that I wear almost as often. No one says a word.

But in those same clothes combined with spending all of 45 seconds tying a tie around my fool neck and I spend the rest of the day hearing, "You look nice!" and "Wow! I didn't even recognize you!" and "Where's your interview?" It's a tie! Between that and buttoning the top button, you'd think I was wearing a solid gold cummerbund and top hat!

Note: I was not wearing a solid gold cummerbund and top hat.


Hans said...

Okay, last night I dreamt I was putting on a tie, and as I was tying it, I thought of this post and how people would react. I'm serious. So, however you did that, cut it out.

xtianDC said...

I wore a tie yesterday. I wish I had more reasons/occasions to wear them. I guess I'm a bit of a dandy that way. Never understood that whole "but do I hafta wear a tie?" indignation that most men seem to suffer. So yeah, ties are cool. Double windsor rocks especially.

Reid said...

Hans, it's a new widget in blogger that allows you to send an RSS feed of your blog to your reader's dreams. I thought it was a pretty cool feature, but I'll turn it off if you want.

Xtian, I really like ties as well, and I'm kind of amazed by the "it's like a noose" camp. Easy accessorizing. I would wear them more often if it wasn't for that "where are you interviewing" factor.

doug said...

I hate ties. But they do look nice. I'll admit that I'm one of those annoying people who will call somebody out at work for wearing one. But, if you're wearing one there, you're definitely up to something.

doug said...

Oh, and if you're wearing a gold cumberbund and top hat, then you are DEFINITELY up to something.

Hans said...

I wanted to leave a really clever comment that said something like "Imagine what kind of day you'd have at work if you wore a tie and brought leftover pizza back from lunch", and then link back to that post you linked to a long time ago about office coworkers going nuts in the presence of a couple of slices of pizza, but I couldn't find that post or remember who wrote it. So never mind.

Side note - Word verification is getting a little out of hand today: nztdnkpj.