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Friday, January 19, 2007

What? Games? Oh, right.

It's usually around this time of year that I keep forgetting that there's still football on. Championship Sunday is, in theory, the best day of football all year, but by around this time, I've usually moved on, unless a team I'm excited about is in. But here they are, and I know that you're all clamoring for my takes on the teams and the games.

Bears at Saints
Even I'm getting a little tired of the "football is healing New Orleans" stories. You can't deny the feel-goodness of it, but we've already heard about it a million times. Let's move on, huh?

But the thing is, I've always loved the Saints. It's an amazing city, they easily have the best uniforms in football, and I've always felt a fondness towards the perennial losers. And in spite of what everyone thinks about their own teams (find a fan who doesn't think that their team blows it more than any other), no one has lost more than the Saints. I would LOVE to see them win a Super Bowl, even without the Katrina thing.

But I love the Bears as well, in spite of the fact that I hated them in 1986. Again, great city and great uniforms, they're part of the greatest rivalry in the NFL (Bears/Packers), and their winning/losing story is one that's shared only by the Jets: they have only one title, but it belongs to one of the best teams/stories in NFL history. Beautiful. I'd be pretty happy watching the Bears win the Super Bowl.

I think that a lot of people think the same as me about this game: it's just hard to see the Saints winning, for no other reason than they're the SAINTS, fercryingoutloud. The Saints simply do NOT win the NFC Championship.

Plus, it's hard not to see the 2000 Ravens in the Bears. Questionable offense (remember that streak that the Ravens had that year where they didn't score an offensive TD?), but the defense makes it happen. In another field goal-filled game: Bears, 12-6

Patriots at Colts
It's easy to think that the Colts are the 2006 baseball Cardinals. It's easy to point out that the Colts have shown that they can win without an aerial attack. It's logical to think that they have a chance since the defense has shown that it actually can stop the run.

But come on. It's Patriots/Colts. Does anyone really, truly believe that the Colts are going to win this one? We're not talking about a scrappy young team that's never been there, that no one believes in because they're new and inexperienced. This game is a rerun. We've seen it before and we know how it ends. Patriots, 24-10

Your thoughts?


xtianDC said...

Actually, if by "people" you mean so-called NFL experts, most of them are picking the Saints this weekend! I haven't really picked up on any lovable loser's all Katrina this, number one offense in the NFL that, etc. I guess if the Saints win it all this year, one upside for me that they face the inevitable post SB year collapse. One less team in the Eagles' way then! ;)

ivan said...

You GOTTA love a team that's been ravaged by a Hurricane! By the same point you GOTTA LOVE a team that has a paparazzi brutalizer for a head coach. Of course YOU GOTTA LOVE a team that has a Benedict Arnold for a kicker. And you REALLY REALLY gotta love a team that's doing the Super Bowl Shuffle '07.

I'm rooting for the Fridge!

doug said...

I'm loving these games coming up, and I think the focus on the Katrina aspect is (still) actually really cool - especially considering where they were (er, weren't as the case was) just last year - for me it's a story that keeps getting better and better as they get to move on through the playoffs. But I'm a sap like that.

I'll take the Bears in that one though - it's gonna be real cold, and despite Grossman being kind of an idiot, he seems to have it together nowadays. Sooo, Bears 21-17.

Excited about the other game too. I'm so freaking tired of the Patriots - and I think it'll FINALLY be Manning's year - but because the defense and an passable performance by him: Colts: 28-21.

Anonymous said...

Please lord let the Bears re-make the Superbowl Shuffle for 2007. And feature Barack Obama as a guest rapper.