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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

R7 Travelogue: Las Vegas, Day 3, when things get fucking weird weird weird weird weird

There's days when I wish I had a pseudonym and had one of those blogs where all the events and conversations and frustrations could come pouring out. You all would know the intimate details of my life, and my readership would be about ten times what it is, because people eat that shit up. But this is not one of those blogs.

I've already said too much.

Last night, I ended up at a snooty bar that I only got in thanks to the conference. When they started letting non-conference folks in, all of the seating areas were roped off and guarded by security. I was there alone (again or), but dammit if I was going to turn down a chance to dance. I was dancing with myself on an increasingly-crowded dance floor, just enjoying being able to go nuts and not worry about things like ever seeing any of those people ever again. So when the DJ played "Let Me Clear My Throat", I allowed myself to yell out "DC!" I made a few moves, but I'm no dance floor lothario, so I kept to myself mostly.

Good times, strangely.


akaijen said...

Watching Reid dance is truly a highlight of my life. It's the best. Ever.

Reid said...

Aw, thanks Jen! That was a memorable night. I don't think the people at Pure last night were quite as impressed...

Anonymous said...

Look at you going all Lohan on us hanging out at Pure.

Reid said...

Yeah, but it was Pure filled with Microsoft geeks. Not quite as glamorous. They advertised this night as "Featuring the Pussycat Dolls!", but it turns out that it was just the Vegas Pussycat Dolls, which turned out to be a strip show.

It is pretty amazing to see that kind of club night life. It was fun, but I can't really say that I'm very impressed, or that it makes me want to be a part of it. One funny part of the night that I forgot to mention was the bathroom attendant (of COURSE they have a bathroom attendant). He was this shaven-head, hunched-over, extremely excited guy in a tux who gave an elaborate "Welcome to the restroom!" when I came in, directed me to an open spot, and then said, "Enjoy your restroom experience!" Pretty different from the dude at Ozio who just sullenly hands you a paper towel.

doug said...

that guy was extremely excited because he's livin' the dream man. livin'.the.dream.

Ohhh, and were you at that Mix07 thing? I looked into