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Friday, June 08, 2007

Sun, sand and selective stupidity

Tomorrow, I am going to the beach. I'll be there for a while, so don't go looking for me. While at the beach, I will not, under any circumstances, do any of the following:

  • Wear shoes that do not have the word "flop" in the name
  • Wear long pants
  • Speak in complete sentences
  • Think
  • Consider anyone beside myself
  • Let the fact that I'm not at all hungry get in the way of eating
  • Read any book that a student would have to read
  • Let beer wait until after noon
So business as usual, in other words, with my only clothing decision being either the cleaner khaki cargo shorts or the ratty khaki cargo shorts.

While I'm gone, do not touch any of my shit. In case you were considering touching any of my shit, know that I have employed the services of a tall, darkly-dressed German-Filipino and his crafty Korean girlfriend to watch over my shit, with the explicit instructions, "Don't let anyone touch my shit." And let's just put it this way: in the years that these two have been watching my shit, no one has touched my shit while I'm gone. No one.


doug said...

but, but, you can't go to the beach, there's no hurricane on the radar!

xtianDC said...

Can I come over and just *look* at your shit? I promise I won't touch anything.

Reid said...

Doug: Yeah, it just doesn't feel like a family trip to the beach without an evacuation.

Christian, you can do that, but to do that, you'd have to at least be touching my floor, which I include in "my shit". So technically, no. But I'll allow it.

Hans said...

You fuckin' die!

m.a. said...

Have fun!