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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Woke up this morning, spoilers in my head

Important note: this post is only for people who have either zero interest in the Sopranos or who have finished the whole thing. Otherwise: possible slight spoilers ahead.

As many of you already know, I'm a season behind on The Sopranos. I only know to the end of season 6, the semi-season finale where they're all sitting quietly around the Christmas tree with AJ's new girlfriend. This is as far as I know.

So you can probably guess that it's been driving me ABSOLUTELY INSANE trying to avoid all references to season seven. With movies, people will usually warn of spoilers before discussing, you know, the ending of the entire thing, but with TV, it's assumed that everyone is watching every episode as it happens, so therefore, everyone lets loose with major plot points and, oh, the ending of the entire thing. I already know too much.

I've been having to dive for volume knobs and on/off buttons when NBC Nightly News or Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me or the Today show start throwing out major plot points. I've had to yell at friends and relatives as they tell me what they think of as non-spoilers like, "Woah, this season is HUGE!" or "Someone really important gets it in the last episode!" People: these things are still spoilers.

Just when I thought the talk would start dying down, the humor-deficient and reason-impaired people behind Hillary Clinton's campaign have started to use THE FINAL SCENE in some sort of dumb campaign ad. I now have Johnny Sac's scowl to add to the puzzle pieces that will ruin my enjoyment of the final season. And while we're on the subject: Really? No one in Hillary's campaign thought that maybe associating Democrats with organized crime in any way at all might be a bad idea? Really? We've forgotten that a lot of conservatives already make that connection? And we're encouraging it? Really?

Anyway, now I need your help, Are Seven readers. I need to see this final season before the spoiler-dodging drives me completely insane. I don't have HBO anymore, so does anyone know where I could download the episodes? Or can someone who has HBO On Demand please go out of town and let me, oh, watch your cats and all of season seven at the same time?


xtianDC said...

We're out of town Friday June 29 through July 4. Not sure if we need cat help or not yet, but either way you're welcome to come over and make use of any needed on-demand services!

Unknown said...

Xtian, I bet Reid now feels pretty silly that he made such a big deal about you not touching his shit while he was out of town... ;)

Reid, if I knew of an easy way to record on demand shows and burn them onto DVDs, I'd do it for you. Maybe you could sign up for HBO, watch the episodes all at once, then call Comcast and say you changed your mind.