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Sunday, July 29, 2007


When I was at the beach last June, I had a fun moment when I finished reading Bringing Down The House. As I finished the last line, I slammed the book shut, yelled out, "DONE!" and launched the book back over my shoulder into the sand.

I would have done the same thing when I finished Harry Potter And The Blair Witch Project just now, but the size of the book combined with being in my own living room would have added up to a level of destruction that I wasn't willing to clean up. So I just closed the book and sat in that feeling of an ending: half contentment, half sadness. Though, because I had just finished the final line to the final Harry Potter book, the sadness was pretty deep.

There's still the movies to look forward to. Judging from the sheer number of times the word "torture" is used, I'm assuming they'll be contacting the directors of Hostel and Saw to make this seventh episode.

Anyway, now that I'm done with Book Seven, I need to discuss it, and I'm still trying to decide if this site is appropriate for it, or if I don't want to burden anyone with having to avoid spoilers, and should just send out an email instead. So readers: are you done with it?


m.a. said...

Done! :)

Chris said...

Just finished yesterday. I was really shocked by the climactic duel scene when Voldemort slices off Harry's hand with a detachio curse, then says, "Harry, I am your father." Never saw that coming.

Hans said...

Not done!

mysterygirl! said...

I'm done.

prs said...


Reid said...

In both the comments and in emails sent to me, I'm hearing a lot of support for "If you include spoilers on your site, I'll learn the Cruciatus curse just to torture your plot-point-ruining ass!"

So I'm going to put together an email, sending it to those of you who are done and we can get a conversation going. Too bad for those more slow-going of you. You'll miss brilliant insight like, "It's good" and "I liked it".

Hans said...

You print that with no warnings? It's good?!! I would have liked to have found that out for myself, but now you've ruined it I guess I'll just quit reading. Thanks, Reid. Thanks a lot.

Reid said...

As long as I've already spoiled it for you, Hans, I can let you in on these other spoilers:

- The book ends
- Hermione, Harry and Ron interact...several times
- The plot changes often, sometimes in unexpected ways, almost as though it's...twisting