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Thursday, July 26, 2007

In between days

Where I lack luck in love, I more than make up for in other parts of my life. I've been blessed with a great family, amazing friends, really good health and the fortune to be living in a time and country of easy access to great music and increased comforts.

Where I've been retchingly lucky is with jobs. Not only have I never been without salary through four jobs in the last ten years (even having been laid off twice), but I've always gotten the first job I've looked for. Both times I got laid off, I got job leads without even looking the very next day.

What I've been bad at is spending my off time in between jobs. In my last two in-between times, I had two weeks off and a month off respectively, and did absolutely nothing. Like those lazy Sundays, it feels good to do nothing while you're doing it, but then you look back on it and think of all the things you could have done but didn't and feel a powerful regret. Well, I feel that, but then, crippling regret is something of a hobby for me.

So before I start my new job on the 15th, I have a week and a half off. The 14th is taken up with what I now consider a tradition: the day before I start a new job, I go to King's Dominion with Hans. I have to. It's tradition. And I'm hoping to go home to NC for a few days. But what else should I do? Visit Civil War battlefields? Go visit the Bladensburg Quik-E-Mart before it's taken down? Just watch a ton of movies? What, readers? What?!


doug said...

new job?! congrats are in order?

I'm gonna be in winston next weekend (4th) - if you're gonna be there, let me know.

Oh, and, so there world, you now know where I'll be on the 4th of August.

m.a. said...

Congrats with the new job.

Reid said...

Doug, you would not believe how many people have asked me where you were going to be on August 4th! Actually, you probably would believe it. It's zero.

I have this feeling that the readers of this blog think that there's a lot more other readers of this blog than there actually are. Trust me: almost all of you have at least half of the rest in your email address books, and you've at least met most of the others.

MA, thanks! I have pretty mixed feelings about it, but at least it's a change in my life, which I've felt like I've needed for a while.

Hans said...

I probably shouldn't waste all your readers' time with plan-making that I could easily fit into an email, but I'm already on this page, so...

If you're in NC on the 13th, I can pick you up in Weston's VW Combi and drive you up to the rolleycoasters. It'll be lots of fun for you because the steering wheel is on the right, so you'll be sitting in the seat that's normally the driver's seat, but you won't actually be driving the car! We can go to drive-through windows like that and really freak people out. And even though we haven't tried it yet, I'd venture to say that it's probably a great way to pick up hot babes. That is to say, I'm sure it worked for Weston in Australia. Or, wait, maybe it worked for him because he's him.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Reid! I'm really happy to hear this, though I suspected as much the other day. I can't wait to hear what the new gig is and also to get the dirt on how it all went down. ;)

Anonymous said...

So jealous about the time off. If I had a block of time like that I would probably revert to the summer days of my soaps and Hitchcock movies, eat pimento cheese sandwhiches, go to the pool, eat ice cream everyday, ride bikes, go to library and check out lots of books, read all day, go to an amusement park (already on your agenda) and even a water park. And if there was time I would take a road trip from DC to Atlanta visiting all my friends along the way. Oh, and go to the beach. I guess I need to find a new job to make any of this happen!

Anonymous said...

Um, I will be in North Carolina on the 4th and the 13th, and I have a car that will get me to Winston! :)Let me know if you get together.

Reid, I think you should do something that you have never done before, but not like skydiving never done before. How about: cooking a really fancy meal (fancy in that it involves food you've never tried cooking, like indian or something) or maybe going to a museum that you have never been too, or maybe going to a spa?

mysterygirl! said...

Congratulations on the new job! I was going to suggest that you not just visit a Civil War battle site but actually participate in a reenactment, just because I think that that would be hilarious. But luckily for you, I liked Susan's idea better, to do the stuff you liked when you were a kid. So go ride bikes and then run through a sprinkler and then have an Otter Pop and some Purplesaurus Rex Kool-Aid.

Anonymous said...

Again, congrats! I'd go to Costa Rica. Beautiful and an easy short trip. And there's a fare sale for $208 RT between DCA & San Jose CR on US Airways.