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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Where do we go from here?

Tonight, as I traveled home along the blue line that I know all too well, there was a strange moment. Between the Arlington Cemetery and Rosslyn Metro stops, there was a tiny moment when, out of the right side windows, there was a extremely bright flash that was brief but brilliant. I looked around the car to see if anyone else noticed it, but it seemed like I was the only one. But it was definitely there: a bolt of white light that...did something. I don't know what, but it did something.

What I'm getting at, dear readers, is that I may have gone back (or possibly forward) in time, or may have been transported to another dimension. So if I seem a little off or ask you what year it is or if the Astros have won a World Series or if Cheetos come baked or only fried or if Law and Order is just a show and not a political jumpstart, it's only because I'm trying to figure out where I am and what of Cheetos; if it's 2007 or a year of a number I can't imagine. Please be patient with me, readers. I'm only trying to get my bearings.


JordanBaker said...

Oh come on. What sort of wholly implausible universe do you think you've been transported into that you'd even have to ask if the Astros have won a world series?

Reid said...

Okay, that's two things that I can check off of my list that indicate I'm still in the same dimension: one, the Astros are still winless in the World Series, and two, that Jordan, infrequent commenter, can't resist rubbing it in. This is the world I know.