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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Everybody keeps on talking about it, no one's getting it done

There's something going around Live Journal where people are asking each other questions. The lovely and talented Annie asked me some hard-hitting questions after I left a comment on hers, and so because I play by the rules (see below), here they are:

1. Knowing what you do now, if someone came to you and offered you life as a full-time musician with all that entails, would you take it?
If it was financially stable, absolutely. I'd take just about anything. The fantasy, of course, is that James Murphy from LCD Soundsystem calls me up and says, "We need a drummer who loves playing dance beats but hits much MUCH harder than the drummer we have now. Will you be that guy for us?"

But really, I'd even play in a smooth jazz band if it meant getting to play drums for a living.

2. How happy are you with DC right now?
Relatively. I still love the city, but I find a lot of people here to be too-often flaky and shallow. It's difficult to reconcile with the fact that people here are often incredibly smart and charming. It's been a frustration lately.

3. You have to listen to one song every day for the rest of your life. This does not affect your choosing of whatever else you listen to, but you can never take a day off from this song. What is it?
Woah. This question will kill me.

This reminds me of the legend I've heard that Brian Wilson has listened to "Be My Baby" every single day since the day he first heard it when it was released in 1963. I hope it's true. And I think he has the right idea, so I'm going to copy it. It's not my favorite song in the whole world, but it's short, it's sweet, it's a perfect pop song, and it's fun to sing. I could definitely listen to that song every day for the rest of my life.

But so that I don't rip him off, I'll say LCD Soundsystem's "Yeah (Crass Version)". I'm sure I'd regret it when I'm old and crotchety, but at this point in my life, that song cures whatever ails me.

4. What parts of your personality do you chalk up to being a twin? (You are a twin, right? If not, what parts of your personality do you chalk up to your sister?)
Wow. Another extremely tough one. My twin and I have very different personalities. I'm louder and more prone to mood swings, and she's more private and even-keeled. There's lots of parts of her personality that I wish I had taken from her, but regrettably few that I actually did.

The biggest part of being a twin for me was in our early years, when we moved around a lot. There was never a single time in my life when I was the ONE new person in the class; Laura was always right along with me. I'm sure that's had some sort of lasting effect on me, but it would take a psychologist to divine it.

5. I owe you something, don't I?
You don't owe me anything, but we need to talk soon before the topics to be discussed build up to an unmanageable amount.

The Rules of This Crazy Thing
1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like a lyric to your current favorite song, or your favorite kind of sandwich, maybe your favorite game. Any remark, meaningless or not.
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions.
3. Update your blog (if you've got one) with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in your own post.
5. When others respond with a desultory comment, you will ask them five questions.


doug said...

this scares me, but okay...

actually, awhile back I thought that it might be interesting to have a blog which was totally driven by reader questions. this is sort of like that!

Reid said...

Alright, Doug. Here's your hard-hitting questions:

1. How long do you see you and the Mrs staying in Nashville?
2. Does geology still rock your world (sorry) like it used to? Do you still find the same passion that you always have, or has it waned a bit?
3. What band are you most excited to see at the Austin City Limits festival?
4. What TV show can you currently not go the week without?
5. When are you going to be in Winston again?

Vinnie said...

hey -- where's the archive on this thing? I heard you've written some funny posts. And nice way to stir the pot on PX.

Now -- where are my five questions? (check out my website before coming up with five questions --

Anonymous said...

hey Reid! Just back from vacation in the alps - awe yeah! I'll play. gimme five! This will give me more things to post about than love songs to America. ;)

Reid said...

Vinnie: The archives appear and disappear, depending on how much I want people to see. Sometimes my mood wants people to see the present and let the past stay in the past. This is the mood I'm in now.

So...your questions:
1. If you could have any realistic job (so no saying, "Federal Body Inspector, heh heh!" or "professional loafer") in the world, what would it be?
2. What do you consider your biggest accomplishment at CI?
3. When you started going bald at 17, how long did it take you to come to terms with it?
4. Would you ever run for public office, or do you just want to help other people do it?
5. What's the single cutest thing your son has ever done?

Reid said...

Jen, some big blogspot outage erased your questions, so I'll do my best to recreate them...

1. What's one thing you'll miss about the Netherlands?
2. Do you think you'd consider staying there if you'd been in Amsterdam instead, or is it the whole country rather than just the Hague that you haven't liked?
3. Would you ever consider doing a Barcelona reunion show?
4. Do you ever miss CI, or are you glad to be gone? The only things I miss are (some of) the people, and the lax dress code and office hours.
5. What are you going to be doing for a living when you get back to the States? I heard something about yoga...

And anytime you're available for a smoked caprice, I'm there with ya. I'm on the other side of the circle now, but I'll definitely head over for some smoked mozz goodness.