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Friday, August 31, 2007

With the brain of a bobblehead

You've probably guessed already, but the blogging muse isn't returning my calls this week. She isn't giving me any creative ideas for posts, hasn't given me any good new music, and whenever I think about writing about one of the two noteworthy events of my last week, my muse raises an eyebrow as if to say, "I wouldn't if I were you." And I don't want to piss her off, even though I'm beginning to think I already have.

But while I need her for the good stuff, I have odds and ends that I can stitch together to make that ultimate in blogging desperation: the list.

  • I'm off to the Nats game tomorrow night, which I'm very excited about, partly because it's Teddy Roosevelt Bobblehead night, and also because I'm going with some very entertaining company. Can't wait.
  • I'm getting kind of excited about the Texans. I know that it's standard for any football fan to get overly excited about their team based on the preseason, but Schaub looks like he could be really good, and rookie reciever Jacoby Jones is looking like a future superstar. If anyone wants to join me at {location TBD} to watch the opening day games next Sunday, I'd love to have the company. {crickets}
  • First listen roundup: The new Sharon Jones album? Meh. The new Beirut album? Enh. New Jose Gonzalez? {shrugs} Bat for Lashes? No thanks.
  • Why is it that, even though I now live only a five-minute walk from my job, I still can't make it to work on time without running around frantically?
That's all for me at the moment. Enjoy your Fridays, and I'm going to take my muse out tonight, buy her dinner and get her drunk, and if all goes well...let's just say that she'll have a long list of topics for me by tomorrow if you know what I mean, buddy! Heh heh heh...


Anonymous said...

I'm telling you, even prior to the whole dogfighting fiasco, I said that the Falcons traded the wrong qb. I have been a Schaub believer since his days at UVa. This may make me biased, but just watch. Los Tejanos indeed are an intriguing team this year.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I refuse to believe that the Sharon Jones album is merely "meh". Say it ain't so...I'm holding out for better than "meh"!

Reid said...

We'll see what the Texans do. They (finally) have some exciting players (Schaub, Jones, Ryans), but the defensive line is an expensive question mark and the O line is the same shambles its always been. Plus, the division is pretty tough, needless to say since it has the defending champeens in it.

On the Sharon Jones, let me just remind you: it was on a first listen, and the first listen was that it was paint-by-numbers new-retro soul. Future listens may bring some revelations, but right now, there's just nothing that jumps out.

Second listens do bring out more, and when I re-listened to the Beirut just now, it sounded fantastic. I'll do a review roundup this weekend so you can hear some of these things.

Anonymous said...

sorry love, was doubled over laughing at the craig press conference..i could harldy breathe much less return your calls..but im back now..

Reid said...

Thanks, toots. If you get a chance to talk to Craig, tell him Reid says that he'll always remember Cincinnati, terminal 3, 4th stall over.