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Monday, September 10, 2007

Could someone please take ownership of this country? Oh. Thank you.

Another football season starts, another round of terrible commercials to punish those of us who are cursed to care about football.

Oh, but wait. There's a twist this year. The twist is that the commercials are exactly the same as last year. There's the creepy "it's the meers" little girl, the same Chemical Bros/Q-Tip Bud commercial, the strangely disturbing painted-film Schwab commercials, and those moderately-funny coach press conference that will make me chuckle a little bit the first 3-4 times I see them and then groan the next 4000 times. And then there's the fucking "this is our country" spots being played in—and I would be willing to make a wager on this one—every single commerical break without exception. In a move to keep our sanity, Christian and I have decided to stop hating it and adopt it as our rally cry: "Yeah! This is our country! Woooo!"

It's week one and I'm already hurting. Mute button, guide me to February.


doug said...

yeah, ugh. I really think Peyton Manning should be in more though - he's obviously underutilized.

Also, I got a question: why isn't every CBS game in HD yet? Fox seems to be able to do it, but not CBS - do they do more games or something? This question is probably better for the listserve, but I choose to pose it here.

Reid said...

Ah, yes. How could I forget? Peyton Manning in every other commercial. By November, every commercial break will just be Peyton Manning singing "This Is Our Country".

Anonymous said...

Doug, last season I emailed our local CBS affiliate and complained about so few of the Ravens games being shown in HD. They responded that CBS only had two HD camera only two of their 7 games each week could be broadcast in HD. I'd hope by now they had more...but I never understood either why Fox has enough HD cameras for most of their games while CBS doesn't.

Thought the one commercial with the players running and morphing into each other along to the Last of the Mohicans soundtrack was pretty decent...but yeah, not looking good for the rest of the season in terms of commercial quality.

Anonymous said...

The Taco Bell commercial with the cheesey gorditas or whatever with "Melt With You" playing in the background was the one I despised most. I am almost considering a boycott of cheese. Well, maybe just Taco Bell cheese.

Anonymous said...

Fox is also revisiting last year's strategy of showing promos for Prison Break at least 3 times every commercial break. So pretty soon we'll have a promo for Prison Break in which Peyton Manning is singing This is Our Country.

Anonymous said...

well, this morning I got a "personal" pep talk from Peyton. Sent by a pal. If you just have to see it to believe it:

Hans said...

While I certainly can't begrudge anyone their football fetish (I can get pretty forlorn between October and April), these comments make me really glad not to know who Peyton Manning is.

Reid said...

Scott, I see your point about the morphing players, but really? It's a marketing guy's sleepwalk: tough football star running all over the opposition. Maybe it's just because I have Stephen Jackson on my team that I watch the commercial that I'm bitter. I watch and think, "Yeah, right. Have him fumble a couple times and maybe then it'll be realistic."

Diane, is that the gross commercial with the CGI-ed cheese strudles coming out of people's mouths? 'cause that one's fucking disgusting. I hope that, for your sake, you didn't see it. I'm still kind of scarred.

Beck, that's just too much Manning for me. Seriously, did he do anything in the offseason besides shoot commercials?

Hans, I say this with all sincerity: if you gave it a chance, I really think you'd love the game of football. There. I said it.