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Saturday, September 29, 2007

The humans are dead

Just a few quick words about me and the wide world of computers, who, I probably don't need to remind you, will soon rise up and destroy us all. Put it on your calendars!

First is that I wandered over to the new mp3 store at Amazon to buy that Pink Floyd song I blessed you with yesterday. It's a nice place, that new store. I may ultimately, though heavy-heartedly, cancel my subscription to emusic. They're just not upgrading their store enough, and the subscription model is a bit of a pain. It makes me wonder if small businesses will ever really be able to keep up anymore. Anyway, if you're into purchasing music legally, the Amazon store is reluctantly though highly recommended.

You may have noticed that I put a few new links at the bottom of the posts. They're really only there because I've become kind of obsessed with FeedBurner and all the things they do (I can't recommend FB enough, especially if you have a blogspot blog), so I figured I'd add it on. Don't worry about using them, though. I've never been one for much self-promotion of this page, and still am not, so don't go thinking that I'm trying to go all big time and that I'll get huge and famous and forget my friends. I mean, if I do ever get famous, I couldn't forget you fast enough, but it's pretty unlikely that I'll get famous mean so much to me.

1 comment:

Reid said...

As a ps to this post (making it a post postscript, I guess), if you haven't tried the Bloglines beta (, give it a try. It's pretty impressive. I'm not ready to switch back from Google Reader just yet, but there are some really nice features in the new Bloglines. That I'm sure Google will steal.