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Monday, January 26, 2004

Snow blows

Nothing polarizes the morons like a snow storm in DC. Three inches of snow and it's the civil war of idiocy out there. On one side is the reserved panic, the kind that tells people to calmly and quietly (barely) go out and buy milk and eggs and prepare for the worst storm in the world. I'm all for caution, but there needs to be a certain matter (in all of life) of preparing well and then just hoping. Panic and overreaction doesn't do anyone any good.

But this is nothing compared to the other side. This is the side that feels that snow is nothing, that there's absolutely no reason to change anything about your life, that driving is just as safe as at any other time and that anyone who considers caution is a clueless wuss who doesn't know how to deal with snow. I attribute this mostly to snobbery. These are people who enjoy feeling superior to other people and what could make you feel more superior than feeling that everyone else in the world is a wimp. I'm assuming that the people who wrote those Hungry Man commercials fall into this category. It's also often notherners who desperately want to believe that anyone who didn't grow up with winters of constant snow (read: Southerners) are confused by snow and will react to it with bewildered panic, like a caveman firing a .45.

It's snow. It's not that big of a deal, but it still requires a little extra care. This is a simple, logical compromise that shouldn't be so difficult to manage. But so says the Libra.

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