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Friday, March 26, 2004

It's a blog blog blog blog world

(Disclaimer: I know that doing a blog about blogs is considered crude and gauche. I know that the blog elite will lift their noses and turn their heads in disapproval, and my membership to the Blog Club will be revoked, with the council barely being able to contain their laughter as they tell me, "I'm sorry...there's just nothing we can do." And maybe my children won't be able to play with their blog friends anymore and will instead have to find playmates among the less privileged children who will hitch up their overalls and ask, "Whut's a blog?" and my children will have to hide their faces, hot with shame. None of this scorn will stop this post!)

A lot of wonder goes into the appeal of blogs. Nothing new there. But I've realized that what I really like about reading people's blogs is that, somewhere along the line, somewhere in between the days of writing long letters every day and the invention of TV, we lost the art of sharing the random thoughts and observations in life, and blogs are a way of finding that art again. Sure, there's little things that close friends will be able to talk about, and observational comedy is the order of the day, but it's hard to throw out a random thought in ordinary conversation without looking like some sort of egotistical freak. So everyone just learned to let the conversation flow naturally and learned to keep their comments to themselves and hope that the conversation would eventually flow to an appropriate point to share.

Now people have a way to share those little things and I'm loving it. It's just funny that it took the invention of the most massive of mass media for us to enjoy sharing the little things of life with each other again.

That's all I have for you today. Scraps.

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