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Monday, April 05, 2004

Do The Metro Squeeze

Anyone who still doubts that this country really has an obesity problem can easily see the harsh, shocking, flabby truth on any given morning on the DC Metro trains. Watching these enormous people trying to squeeze into seats that are barely big enough for normal-sized people is disturbing enough, but having to try and fit next to's a nightmare, I tells ya. I now choose my seat mostly based on the size of the person sitting in the window spot, and where I used to hope that an attractive woman would sit next to me when I have the window seat, I now just pray for a non-obese person.

This morning, I sat in seat next to a woman who was huge, but looked like she was actually trying to give up a little space. It didn't work. She was so huge that I couldn't even fit in the other seat without being pushed over the arm rest, so I got up and moved. I just couldn't fit.

I can't wait until I get to stop riding the Metro. The only things I'll miss about it are the reading time and the aforementioned attractive women.

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